A Visual Explanation of SQL Joins


Where ‘possible table contents’ is the cross product given A and B.

Cross product gives us everything outside the diagram as well as what is inside. …Within the scope of possible results that is. This is all in a bigger circle. As far as I can see, the model holds. And if it doesn’t? Then we just need another circle to contain the instances where it fails. :wink:

@codinghorror your work has been replicated in es6 :slightly_smiling_face:

BTW, I can’t count the number of times I’ve referred back to this page over the years. Thanks.


Good post, very clear!
Note: the image for inner join is returning 404.

It’s a Ghost Pro hosting issue… their CDN isn’t returning the image. I’ve written them about it.

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Helped me a LOT !!
Thank you for sharing :smile::smile:

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I think this has been in my bookmarks for about 6-7 years now and it’s where I go everytime I need my memory jogged


Welcome to the community, Ewan! Everyone’s memory needs to be jogged every once in a while. That’s why I’ve been reading the old topics for some time. I even get a few good laughs from some of the remarks. Refreshing in more than one way. :smiley:

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