Please Read The Comments

Well it’s right there in her quote: “Angry Bad Divorce Guy”. She, and Salon, make gross sweeping generalizations about men, and dismiss any comment or critique regardless of how legitimate with “Angry Bad Divorce Guy”. Since Williams (and most Salon authors) rarely comment in reply to any comment, it is difficult to provide more specific examples, apart from suggesting you to read ten of her columns at random.

There could be an “echo chamber” mode that skips all the suspected troll comments of marked contrarians or contrary posts marked as such by esteemed fellow users or moderators. Isn’t that how facebook does it with its “top comment” mode?

(I’m new. this page got sent to me this week in a coding horror digest email. The topic is still relevant despite being more than 4 years old. Could tag this #oldPost maybe.)


I just finished reading this entire topic and yes, it is still very much relevant. I even got a few ideas to discuss with my mods for our forum. :wink:

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