Standard Markdown is now Common Markdown

Well, with the exception of this little spat, of course.

What gives you the impression that Jeff doesn’t completely and totally understand this and agree with it?

…did you actually look at the example of ambiguity that Jeff posted? It’s hardly “unreadable” in its raw form.

That would be extremely pedantic, and much, much more contrary to the spirit of Markdown than anything Jeff is doing. The best thing for a Markdown parser to do in edge cases would be to follow the standard procedure for such edge cases as clarified by the spec, which of course would only work if the spec actually clarifies such cases. This way, either the text will be rendered as the user intended without them needing to adjust anything, or the user would see that it’s not what they expected and re-write it. And if the user copies-and-pastes the source onto a site using a different parser, the output will be the same, as expected.

You know what would help with that? Having a spec, so that implementers of these converters know exactly what to implement.

These statements are contradictory and also miss the point of standardization. Standardization is not the time to add a bunch of new features. Jeff isn’t creating a new “flavor” of Markdown with cool new formatting tricks. He’s eliminating edge cases to ensure that CommonMark really is the simple and extensible markup language Markdown was always intended to be.