A Tribute to the Windows 3.1 "Hot Dog Stand" Color Scheme

I like it!

At my previous employer it is your duty to “Hot Dog Stand” someone else’s machine if they leave it unlocked at a client site.
Beautiful idea. Thanks for passing it along. And I know a pompous ass or two ripe for the prank.


Windows XP HotDog Stand Theme.



I remember running across that theme many a night when i would stay up till dawn messing aorund with this and that. played doom mostly to be honest. win 3.1 was nothing more than a useless luxery that couldnt even play any of the demanding games of the era, just maybe a quickee of free-ski or some of the myraid of other win-games off of some shareware cd. my terminal program was dos too, so there you go… i was a dos junkie in a win world until 95 made a gui truly viable.

The hot dog stand theme is called sennep og ketchup (mustard and ketchup) in danish

Ummm… that was my ketchup… they made it LowVision friendly… damn MS bastards.

I want to get a old windows 3.1 machine someday…Heck, i want to get a original IBM 5150. and a XT. And a AT. And a PC-JR. I have antique video game systems and computers as a hobby. something about them is fascinating, and this is coming from a 13 year old.

I’ve got Windows 3.11 in Virtual PC. And then I saw the Hot Dog theme in the Colors dialog. I didn’t apply it, but I want to know:

How do you install a sound card in Windows 3.11 For Workgroups in MS Virtual PC 2007?

I used to run Hotdog Stand all the time. There was a different one called moonlight or something which was all purple and black and everything… remember that?

If it were up to me, we’d all still br running 3.1 on machines with 386 processors. And no internet.

Wow. I have to say, I still think that window 3.1 was the best OS ever. Duke Nukem… Sweet holy Moses. Duke Nukem… And hot dog stand is gorgeous… And yes, I remember the moonlight theme…

mmm… go-od

I liked those other high contrast ones that gave you green fonts on a black bacground with blue borders and taskbar (the sci-fi look) though it had its applications, this one was just an eye bleeding mess.

Maybe it was designed to look Ok on CGI monitors? If you remember one of the two color modes was bright red and yellow and the other was cyan and magenta…

I used to love that theme until one day when I thought it burned my retina and then I got really hungry.

Seriously thanks for the memories, I haven’t thought about 3.1 since…well since Windows 95 came out. Damnit I haven’t thought of Windows 95 since… LOL!!

You can re-live all this. Look for 386 or 486 computers at yard and garage sales, go into re-sale/charity type shops. you can also check Ebay and craigs list for great Old computer deals.

Hopefully they will still have a windows 3.1 install intact, and if you have 3.1 on disk you can allways install it yourself if they dont.

Not only re-live 3.1 and “Hot dog Stand” but how about After Darks flying toasters? now thats a memory along with all the that era’s games you used to play.

Yes it will seem little pathetic to an extent to people like wives or girlfriends or your close buddies so you may want to pre-screen those you wish to let in on concerning your “little” hobby so to speak…

Have fun :slight_smile:

Windows 3.1 = Amiga Workbench (circa 1990)

…and with that nugget of wisdom, I’m off to have a wank.

Thank you and goodnight.

of course Hot Dog Stand is cool – because these are the colors for the University of Maryland Terrapins - red, yellow, black, white GO TERPS!

Hot Dog Stand theme provides the best for visibility in high light environments. Ie. Outside…

Actually I worked with a Windows for Workgroups computer not so long ago. I was a sysadmin for a factory and the computers that collected one type of data from the FeSi ovens were running 3.11. The aging software didn’t run on 95 or NT.

Of course the whole IT staff was literally shaking when these computers needed to be rebooted. The prospect of reinstalling a 3.11 machine were daunting. Will modern computers even run 3.11?