OK I added livejournal.com and I modified the google check to
(anything).google.(2 or 3 characters)
Pesky canadians…
OK I added livejournal.com and I modified the google check to
(anything).google.(2 or 3 characters)
Pesky canadians…
Try Ionic’s ISAPI Rewrite Filter - an ISAPI for IIS5 or IIS6 that does URL rewriting.
I know this is an older thread, but could you add the newshutch.com feed reader to your whitelist?
I added newsalloy.com and newshutch.com to the whitelist.
Wow, great site. I came over from spcr through a link to the blog about quiet computing. Good stuff. Myspace is pretty bad, I don’t think it was built for so many users, there’s always errors and maintainence going on. Its simply a poorly done, chaotic, but very open forum. I’m bookmarking this page instead of going to your main page just because of the Billy Madison quote.
I added any URLs beginning with “localhost” to the whitelist. Per one of the SharpReader developers, the IE ActiveX control always sends locahost:port as the referer when requesting images…
thanks mate!
Worked like a charm
If you are using Apache/PHP you might be interested in the tutorial at:
I think direct linking is a sin. So I always use my photobucket account to host my images I use on forums or in a blog I can’t upload images to.
I thought it was just common sense that you get hosting that is your own anyways because I always feel very guilty when I get lazy and go direct link a image without uploading it to my photobucket account.
Even I know this even though I am a n00b and I total idiot and I lack common sense in most everything else ; including properly commenting on a blog entry.
That’s sticking it to the 122 viewers of the thread where I direct linked an image of the g-15 from you site. Woosh!
As of today, I have removed the referer restriction, because I have offloaded image hosting to external services like imageshack (for older archived posts) and amazon’s S3 (for new posts).
You can use IIS Mod-Rewrite for fully compatible mod_rewrite functionality on IIS.
I have this problem and aren’t myspace customers friendly when you tell them to take it off!
Is there anyway of doing this with HTML? I dont have a database system running, Im oldschool it that regard with hand written HTML, I know Im pre-historic…
Can you help or point in the right direction?
That article was amusing, but the fact that 2/3 of its inline images are broken is the real WTF.
Relgolook is a productivity application for Microsoft outlook users. Relgolook information management provides organize and archive emails and information and reduce attrition
Another solution is to just host your images at Flickr to start with. Then, who cares if someone hotlinks - you’re not serving them. Cuts down on bandwidth, too.
And if those MySpace biters took the time to Coralize the links, you wouldn’t have been hit with the bandwidth. http://www.coralcdn.org/
How hard is it to change the link to
Okay, I’ll get mostly back in the box. But one more thing to think about - if you coralize all your image links, everyone who copies your image links gets the coralized copies. Instead of spending your time chasing ISAPI rules, you could change your blog rendering code to coralize your image links when it writes them out, so you could turn it off with a config setting.
And yes, I should probably spend more time writing my own stuff and less time commenting on yours.
How many different inline linking attempts do you get?
I mean, would it not be simpler to blacklist instead of whitelist? That would solve the problem of other on-line aggregators, other search engines , and so on.
Not realistic if you get many attempts from many different domains, but if there are only a few big ones, then letting a small number of image hits happen once in a while may not be too bad if it allows all legitimate linking through…
Hello, I am using Ionic’s ISAPI Rewrite filter and have a question about using it. If a url has 10 parameters how do you get the 10th one, or 11th one etc…?
Using $10 does not work, it returns the value of $1 appended with a zero on the end…
i.e. $10
Any suggestions?