Buy Bad Code Offsets Today!

do they ship to italy?

Wow, I lost a lot of respect for Jason Cohen and Eric Sink - Guys, what the hell are you thinking?

I thought this was a joke, but then I actually clicked on the link. Unreal. Aren’t there better ways to get press or promote some open source projects?

Time to come back down to reality…

It is also so ironic that so many people who make a fortune in the software business decide that they want software to be free. (now that they are all set for life) I wonder why that is…

So, how many offsets are required to cover Duct Tape?

You’ve got the trade part down, but how are you going to put a cap on bad code? Obviously a bad code tax would be a more efficient and market-driven approach to solving the problem. Maybe the Business Software Alliance could help with enforcement.

I saw this on yesterday and immediately sent to my boss in hopes getting a bunch of offsets. So far doesn’t seem likely… Great idea however.

Unlike carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere, bad lines of code are not equivalent. I don’t particularly care if the implementation of some function has six lines of funny business. But if the method signature is horrendous, that’s a big problem.

Or are you suggesting that the person responsible for the method signature be charged for all the bad code that results from its use? How much does Bell Labs owe for bugs caused by strcpy?

Maybe I’m just a dunce, but I don’t understand this at all.

You’re assuming that

A) I write bad code and know about it
B) I can quantify how many lines of bad code I write
c) I’ll choose not to fix those lines, and instead donate money to your open source project.

If I notice that I have 1,10, 100 or even 1000 lines of bad code, wouldn’t I fix them? Isn’t that my job? I can’t imagine telling my boss that my code sucks, but don’t worry, I donated 100 bucks to an open source project.

In the parlance of offsets, why don’t we take the money we’d spend planting trees and just figure out how to produce cheap clean power?

This appeared on The Daily WTF yesterday.

“We foresee a time when bad coding practices and their rotten fruits have been eliminated from this earth and its server farms thereby heralding a new age of software brilliance and efficacy.”

Uhmm, ok. If that makes you happy, I guess.

When you take away the comical facade of the offsets, you basically just have a marketing campaign to donate money to a foundation / brotherhood / gaggle of programmers, most of whom dont need the money.

Just imagine if every dollar spent on “bad code offsets” went to an actual good cause, like combating poverty in our inner cities, or helping to find a cure to diseases such as Parkinsons, or providing assistance to adults and children born with disabilities that make the standard of living we take for granted difficult for them to achieve Or even if you feel these are too “lefty” for you, support a religious organization doing charitable works.

oh god, people have very non-existing senses of humour

If you’ve money to fritter on stuff like this, please consider the alternative of donating it to one of the many worthy charities out there.

bad code starving humans

Computers are the source of many problems in the world, just take the financial meltdown as an example… All of their hedge fund bets which were made using computer modeles; failed.

Of course it was based on bad real estate deals but who cares? We have our nice little probability equations modeled into our calcualtion as to when and not when to bet…

Give me a break, is it bad code or bad ideas?

Nobody is saying you should spend all your disposable income supporting open source projects. If you would rather support a charity or other “good causes” nobody is stopping you. In fact, do it; there are lots of good organizations that could use the help. But, I don’t think most people would have a problem with donating a few dollars to a software project that has helped you and saved you time and money.

I’ve donated to a few OSS projects before, but that doesn’t mean I can’t support other good causes too.

Unbelievably remedial…

But on a side note, the quality of applications has suffered in part due to the complexity and instability of the tools.

“Computers are the source of many problems in the world, just take the financial meltdown as an example… All of their hedge fund bets which were made using computer modeles; failed.”

Please don’t spread this misinformation, the meltdown was due to widely known intrinsic flaws of capitalism.

nm it was sarcasm, disregard above

But what about the fact that jQuery itself is bad code? Infinite loop!

For those of you on a tight budget, that’s ok–you can still do your part. Stop writing bad code!


“So why on earth would I ever want to write good code?”

Well it might seem strange but some developers actually became developers because they love software development and not just because when you grow up you have to find a job.

Umm, I would be mildly surprised if any money really changes hands here (though there is no underestimating the …)

What is really scary is that this system has already been deployed for years on commercial projects, with billions of dollars of everyone’s real money in the pot. It’s called Quality Credits, a.k.a. QC. Pretend to save money by faster coding, and patch it up afterwards with extra software testing and fixing.