Well, after reading both this article and the linked article - I’m feeling a little less than super today
In any case, I would fair decent on most of the interview, fail on certain points (namely, I code in JavaScript and PHP, not a very data structured environment, likewise, some features of these languages aren’t friendly to Java, C and C++) Most of my work is in scripting languages, I’m rusty with ASP classic, can muddle through Cold Fusion (non-tag based code) or grasp it (tag based CF), used to code in Java, took C and C++ in college (even Pascal and had a year of COBOL, but neither ever see the light of day on my resume). A long time ago, I needed to use Perl for stuff.
I don’t think I would be totally clueless on everything, but I would provide incorrect answers to questions that, in my scope of programming, would be correct. For example, data structures, I’m familiar with the simple type (array, for example) - not vectors (as all arrays I use scale as I need them) so I wouldn’t mention them as I don’t use them and they wouldn’t come to mind. Likewise, I create objects for complex data structures as I don’t have prebuilt ones all the time for what I need.
Bits and Bytes would be fun (as I watch my binary clock and am able to read it…) but some questions I’d know how to do the work, just not necessarily how it is named - although the bitwise operations I’ve often glanced at but never really figured out a practical use (for what I’m working on) in order to use them. All the logical operands I use all the time.
The 50,000 page phone number lookup would have been easy, I would have mutter grep (not that I’ve used it, I just know about it) and regular expressions (which I would have provided the code needed for it)
OOP for JavaScript is a slight bit different than for tightly structured languages, I get about 80% of the terms listed on the other article from this blog and can provide examples of them (so, according to the article, I don’t know the basics) - but I use OOP coding in my JS all the time, likewise, I’m using OOP in my PHP as well (even if I do use a framework… I do code a fair bit of the needed application on top of that, which uses OOP).
I was surprised no questions on data(base) structure, queries and such. While knowing a high degree of information on low level stuff, knowing how to access and work with databases would, I think, be key in working with large projects and (in my case, my focus is websites) ecommerce websites.
While I do think the list of questions (the concept) is a good one, the specifics of the questions aren’t applicable to ever developer job. While some frown upon, look down upon, some of us ‘script’ coders - we are developers too and our questions should be different from the questions asked of traditional (dare I say “legacy”) programming languages. Because, honestly, I see the code turned out from people attempting to use their “hard core” coding on JavaScript and, oh my word, it is the worst code I run across (for example, I have a simple date picking utility for a website form that I’ve seen written in 40-60k+ of code complex, all classed out and such - my code is a lean 13k, including CSS, which does more than every other similar product on the market - and don’t get me started on form processing, can never understand why something so simple is so hard for Java coders to get… but I digress)
I would want to know how a coder would write efficient code (not everyone has broadband, after all, and even if they do, if every “feature” is 60k - the menu, the ajax, the date picker, the search, the CSS, the content slider, the tabs, etc you’re 600k - and please, LEARN to use external JS files…)