I Fight For The Users

Just dropped in, wondering what you were up to.

I find this discussion fascinating, because my main problem with Twitter is the fact that the short messages, chopping and changing of subjects turns my brain into a lazy and fickle lard-bucket. If I start reading a book, it’s whispering to me “hey, this is boring, I keep having to concentrate on the same thing!”

But that’s not a Twitter problem, it’s just a problem with small screens (I suspect).

Having discussions like this, on a screen where I can see more than a sentence at a time, where people have/take the time to lay out thoughts rather than soundbites is vastly superior, and more healthy for my brain.

In your list of historic ‘new’ communication mediums, Jeff, you forgot ‘pamphleteering’: which was the publishing of often highly inflammatory and political unbound printed booklets. So it’s not really that new.

What is new is the apparent lack of robustness to conflicting ideas. This idea that we need, or that other people (stupider or weaker than us?) need protecting from ideas we don’t like. Because “people saying nasty things” can be interpreted as “people insulting me”, but also as “people saying things I don’t like”. But those are two very different propositions. To me, at least.

I confess that I sometimes wonder whether people going on about Twitter and Musk are actually basing their opinions on their own direct experience, or whether it’s more based on second-hand reported ‘horrors’. On Twitter, I see what appear to me to be highly antisemitic takes (though, with the current redefinition of what that word means in the Gaza conflict, maybe they’re not), but that’s because I’ve deliberately tried to follow people who’s opinions I don’t like (at all, in some cases), to avoid being in an echo chamber. When I see stuff I think is actually out of line (like incitement), I flag it. But that’s happening less and less.

What I really don’t want is anonymous bien-pensant moderation (and ‘fact-checking’. During COVID, there were people who were censored for opinions or even for the ‘wrong’ science, and only now, 4 years later, we discover (surprise!) that maybe - just maybe - they weren’t just not wrong, but very right. If the right (but unpopular, or just not widely accepted) ideas are suppressed, how do we work towards the truth? Yes, we may be taken in by lies. Yes, there are ‘uneducated’ people who may end up believing the earth is flat (though, of all the wacky beliefs, that is probably the most practically harmless you could think of), but the alternatives are worse.

And even if it was the case that a high-functioning-possibly-autistic-billionaire was pulling all the strings (which I don’t believe is the case), I far prefer that to the faceless blob from before, where information and accounts just disappeared, and you didn’t even know it was happening. There is information available on Twitter that the other media just don’t show.

What I would like to get away from is the sterile adolescent point-scoring bickering between opposing ‘teams’. But that has been happening forever (when I started my first Discourse community, I had to explicitly sell it as “this is not a forum”), and some people just have trouble growing up, out of their egos, and into an actual desire to communicate and understand, rather than “win arguments”.


A disappointing but not all that surprising take from you Jeff. Pre-Musk Twitter was a place I actively avoided due to the closed minded toxicity. The political leanings of much of the base and certainly the moderation lended itself to an echo chamber that did not make me feel welcome.

You decry X for being a “platform run by a king, a dictator, a tyrant, a despot, an autocrat” while ignoring the despotic moderation that was often being influenced by the US government. Anyone reading the Twitter Files and yearning for those days is no friend of the people.

You’re free to not engage with any entity you disagree with but explicitly calling for everyone to disavow Twitter reads as patronizing and spiteful. You’re not happy to just walk away from something and explain why, you have to call on others to follow you because really want to see the whole thing come crashing down. Have enough respect for your readers to be open to the fact that they might see things differently and can decide for themselves.

You even resort implying that it’s become a place for Nazis which is nothing but a smear tactic. The old Twitter was full of hate, albeit the kind that’s socially acceptable to some political leanings.

Regarding the plaques which “will piss Elon off, which makes it even sweeter”. You’re being petty with that one.

I used to enjoy your blog at its peak and I thank you for the insights over the years. You may claim to fight for the users and imagine yourself as some hero but you don’t fight for me.


Freedom of speech does not apply to government or corporate entities; it’s for the people. Racist and horrible things were being said on Twitter long before the Trump era. The reason why Elon bought Twitter was because free speech was being censored. Twitter was off the rails before Elon bought it. People were being censored, shadow-banned, and permabanned for anything, and just because it maybe didn’t directly affect you doesn’t mean that it was right. If someone wants to go into Wal-Mart and start yelling racist things, they have the right to do so. However, they should be aware of the possible consequences, such as getting their ass beat. If you’re too soft and sensitive to deal with “harmful” words, then maybe public forums aren’t the place for you to be.

People like you are mad about this because you can no longer go around and get people banned for disagreeing with you. You’re mad because Elon leveled the playing field. It’s as simple as that.

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Only if Walmart lets them. Being a private location, Walmart can order them to leave for any reason at all (other than for possessing a protected attribute), and if they don’t then it ultimately becomes a crime of trespass.

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One year later, I thought of this blog post and remembered not to idealize anyone. How wrong were you about twitter and X.

In what sense, what do you mean?

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Thanks, Jeff for continuing to blog. I was your follower in 2008/2009 and was regularly reading your articles at that time. Then your article pace trickled and RSS slowly died down and I forgot about you. Today, I logged back and noticed that you are writing only one article a year which is easy for me to catchup!! :slight_smile:
Anyways, recently I have become more active on Twitter/X and find it a pleasant experience. I am more interested in politics and political commentary and can vouch my feeds are more ‘Right Aligned’ but that’s not much of an issue. [I am more of a liberal at heart].
As an experiment, I also logged in to Truth Social and Bluesky and started posting contradicting views. I was surprised that the maximum ‘hate speech’ I recieved was in Bluesky. Maybe many so called ‘liberal’ are not as tolerant as we expect. I was mostly ignored in X and Truth.
Comparing all 3 social platform, I found X the best since it has maximum diverse participation.
Anyways, would suggest you to give X a try once more and share what your experience is.