If It's Not in Google, Does Your Website Really Exist?

I manage the website and traffic for voicebroadcasting.us and the same thing happened to them. It was catagorized nicely among the needed keywords, then the site got hacked, poof… site vanished. I found the site doesn’t return back to rankings as quickly as the article discusses. Its been over 90 days and the web spider bot hasn’t visited the site yet.

The easy way out if Google decides to become Godgle is the semantic web; distributed crawlers on that as of yet fictitious technology would be the End of the Enterprise Search. Or we go back to messages in bottles :slight_smile:

Please cheeck out this website for the best quality in Motorcycles!

just a note to say you’ve ironically got some spam here in the comments :slight_smile:

You have the bold text phrase more than 70 percent of the website to your traffic disappeared overnight. on this page. Surely this is a typo. (Read it aloud if you don’t see it.) Feel free to remove this comment. I’m amazed that I’m the first to point this out on a two year old page.

Isn’t a single point connected to 10 billion points by definition a tree, and assuming that the points don’t connect back to that single point, a directed graph?

I wonder when the politicians who try to make all things equal will begin passing legislation on the way search results are to be ranked? Or will some US class action suit change the seeming arbitrariness by discovery process?

Just wanted to note the irony: I found this discussion via the Goog-Meister…

Google may not be the only search engine out there, and may not be the only way to drive traffic to your website. This does not alter the facts, however, that many many businesses happen to have extremely large volumes of their traffic driven to them through Google search results. It’s just the nature of things these days. Businesses don’t necessarily choose to have Google drive most of their business, and sure there are ways to infbutuence change should they choose to, but sometimes one is at the whim of the world…

This isn’t really a big deal. Yes, everyone gets to your website through Google. No, they don’t have that much power because of this.

Everyone uses Google because they were first to market with a decent search engine, and nobody has any reason to switch. If Google abused this power (by delisting legitimate sites without cause), the press would pick this up, and soon people would switch to Microsoft, Yahoo, etc. Google may have market share, but in this case it just doesn’t translate to market power as much as you might think.

Google sure is the front door to the internet. Also TinyURL-like services are notable, because they have loads of traffic going through them. People use TinyURL to shorten long URLs into tiny ones, so people visit TinyURL home page once in a while too.

There is a dictionary in Google, but I can’t find a direct link to it in the Google home page google.com google.com/dirhp


Seems that this is relevant more now than ever before…

@codinghorror This blog post’s title seems to be escaped improperly in the original blog.

Got linked here from a stack exchange site.

Great! I fixed it. I think other blog entries with ' in the title have the same issue.