New Job at Vertigo Software


No comments on the VB.NET vs. C#. I can’t reveal my personal preference;

Hint: He wrote several C++ books in a past life. :wink:

Scott, not to beat a dead horse, but we are in the midst of crafting Petshop 4 for Whidbey. And it’s not easy balancing performance with elegance. We try, but frankly, there are several hard choices to make in the middle-tier.

We’ve been trying to get a PS4 blog off the ground. It would be a good forum to elicit feedback; maybe this is something Jeff can do when he gets here?

I love this blog.

Congrats Jeff! or c# a man has to do what he has to do…

Jon: LOL. I’ll make sure your shipment of Shi Tzus and Shurikens arrives on time!

Also, did you realize it’s May? You and Scott S. appear to have the same bloggering schedule…

Congratulations, Jeff. I hope to see your influence in the next round of public apps Vertigo releases.

And, as someone who refers to East Coast/West Coast as Least Coast/Best Coast, I’m extremely jealous.

Congrats! Welcome to California!

And yes, you should get Scott set with this whole newfangled webbloggering thing.

Also, the Buy buttons on the Pet Shop seem to be broken. At least my stuff never arrived. The spy stuff neither. Maybe you can fix all that stuff, too.

Ouch. Touche. Well, I’d planned on a blogging frenzy this weekend, but assured it. I will overwhelm the interwebs.