Presentation: Be Vain

i think the best guitar hero clone with the best UI and best graphical design is this

One thing to keep in mind is the intended use of a particular presentation. On one project, I took some s*%t from the powers-that-be for a too-simplistic presentation.

This was a demo dashboard for a server application – the original spec that I was given was a graph widget with tiny fonts, shaded colored background, skinny lines, etc. that looked really nice on a monitor.

Mine was a clunky-looking widget with big black bold fonts, thick lines (in primary colors) and a white (blank) background that looked like it had been done with crayons. The big thick crayons they give to two-year old kids. Didn’t look cool at all.

Oh, did I mention that the intent of this widget was to be projected on a screen in front of a roomful of ~100 people who were sitting 30 ft. away?

Guess which one people could see?

Sometimes function IS form.

Software is like most of things in life, being good is not enough, looking good is also important.

muito bom

That’s why I love the MVC pattern. If the presentation looks bad, I just swap it out for another one.

Frets on Fire is a example of a game that looks like crap, and runs like crap, because the developers used a language that is not fit for game development.

Python definitly lends itself to the Hammer/Nail analogy.

Aside from the crazy dynamic stages that Guitar hero has, the actual fretboard is smooth scrolling with nice looking effects, something that Frets on Fire can’t even pull off.