Progamming Fonts

Any updates for new interesting fonts?

I personally like Consolas for visual studio,

I use Terminus in Eclipse and in Putty, the only problem with it is that it is not vector,
12pt is to small, and 18pt is to large for my taste.

Urgh, all your fonts look soooo ugly. Unbearable.

Brought up in the world of UNIX, I’ve always been a big fan of the original misc-fixed fonts from The X Window System. While I adore Dina, I never really liked how wide it was. I want more code to fit on the screen. Hence, the 6x13 version is perfect.

I’ve tried Lucida Console and some others, but keep returning to Courier New 9. I think it’s (partly, at least) the fact that it’s a serif font - all the others seem to be sans-serif and they just don’t feel right!

Jeff, what’s the verdict on Pragmata?

Pragmata is a great font - I bought Pragmata from the official Fabrizio Schiavi Design website: for 90 Euro’s, which came to about 63. I am glad I spent the money on it as it looks great and has instantly become my new programming font of choice.

I took 5 minutes creating a small Wordpad document showing what Pragmata looks like when it’s not anti-aliased at various sizes, please take a look at the following image:

I hope this helps you.

After Courier New, Consolas, Deja Vu Sans Mono etc. I discovered Cumberland. Please take a look at it: