Remembering the Dynabook

This is slighty off-topic, but hey! this is web2.0 :wink: and i have a keyboard :stuck_out_tongue:
The typically unnoticed but subtly observable property of the description of the Dynabook concept is the simplicity of the inventor’s language, which stands out in stark contrast to even the comments of users discussing about contemporary notebook specifications and how these compare with the original classic.

After you read the above paragraph, some of you must have felt that I’ve used too many big words.

I could have stated it like this too:
Many people might miss this one - the Dynabook author actually used much simpler words than we use today for chats on netbooks.

I’ll also add a flamebait - something for people to quarrel about.
If all important technical knowledge is re-worded in simple English, many more people will be able to use it. Not only that, translating the content into other languages will be very easy.

I have a very strong personal complaint:
Big words are a barrier to the spread of knowledge.

A few reasons cause this, among others:

  1. Unnecessary use of Latin and Greek
  2. -tion and -ology terms where simpler words would work equally well.
  3. more than two adjectives
  4. trying to pack ideas into one sentence because we do not have time to elaborate everything - the blackbox excuse or the block diagram excuse - use of a concept-zoom pattern is a good idea.

polymorphism - many-faced, multi-purpose
encapsulation - boxed, inside-box and outside-box
inheritance - cloned with modifications
(Don’t jump to point out the difference in meanings of ‘clone’ and ‘inheritance’, I know those things - sit back, think a bit - try to see the point I’m making.)

Most intellectuals will cry foul, scream in disgust, or call this a waste of their time. Agreed. No argument. This isn’t for them.
They probably do the big thinking. Unfortunately, they use terminology/jargon heavily, and so most of their work remains out of public gaze and (gasp!) public reach.

The point I’m trying to make is that normal guys have brains too.
But they might not have the vocabulary. Learning the vocabulary is such a scary idea that they don’t take it up.

This, in complex words, is disguised intellectual discrimination amounting to virtually deliberate obfuscation of ordinary thought systems by use of verbose terminology.

In simple words, simple thoughts hidden behind big words.
Like Wall Street hid gambling and betting behind terms like Futures, derivatives, products and investments.

Just as there is a shockingly vast divide between the quality of ends and the much-superior quality of means used to achieve those ends, there is a similar divide between the exclusiveness of terminology and the actual ideas those terms are used to explain.

In short, like economics, software engineering is math and common sense made difficult.

I don’t know if this deliberate or not (hence virtual above), but it is bad. There must exist a middle level translation system that makes things easy to understand and without referring to dictionaries and glossaries. That’s old school. Ineffective. Feudal. Cruel. Discriminatory. Baggage. Bad karma :wink:

What would it take to simplify things?
Wikipedia is a good platform. Blogs are another. But keeping on top of about 200 blogs, even via Feeds, is tough.
StackOverflow is a rocking idea. We need a SO for comp sci concepts with emphasis on simplifying words. Rewrite the books in simple language.
You will be surprised to find the kind of thinking that the intellectual serf class is capable of. A lot of the Masters degree holders guys out there are nothing but lucky chaps well versed with the routines of the day. They cannot invent or circumvent.
Contrarily, a lot of n00bs have great ideas and thinking capacity. Gaia’s laws guarantee this. Think about it. Really.

I wish there were a page listing the educational qualifications of opensource programmers when they started or developed their respective famous projects. Miguel de Icaza is a good example.

No, Bill Gates is not an example of a great drop-out - he had everything going for him. That’s not the demographic I’m talking of.

Kevin Warwick says that language is a hopeless tool to communicate thoughts - it’s more of a barrier. Visualization is much better. And Kevin thinks direct brain-to-brain transfer is most efficient, but we should rest assured that The Matrix is far away in the future.

Any ideas about how this thing can get done?
This is, indeed, quite an intellectual challenge, but it’s a smaller beast than getting Wikipdeia to where it is today, or, hopefully taking Stackoverflow to wherever it will go in a couple of years.
My two cents. YMMV.

I agree on the problems with the 945. On the (pre-Atom) EEE PCs the thermal output of the three main chips was, in order, CPU (lowest), northbridge (middle), southbridge (worst), the exact opposite of what you’re get on any desktop PC. The Atom is really crippled by the 945. Maybe manufacturers could combine it with one of the much better chipsets Via has for the Eden CPU range?

Yes - the first EeePc (700) lasts around 2.5 to 3 hours (AFAIK using
some Pentium Mobile CPU).

Celeron ULV.

Then came Atom with its much lower power draw - and the resulting
machines lasted around 2.5 to 3 hours. Seeing how Asus silently
switched to weaker batteries for the later EeePc700 models already
(4400mAh instead of 5200mAh), they were probably glad that the Atom
allowed further similar changes without loosing battery life.

It wasn’t just the batteries (they went to 5200’s in some countries after user complaints), the problem is that anything combined with 945 is still a 945.

Herb Caudill and David W. use this story about the Remembering the Dynabook to drew analogies with the iPhone a the MacBook Air. Being a Mac fan I been following rumors about Apple releasing and new product to compete in the market of NetBooks. I tend to think as David, because I see a lot of potential in a computer smaller than a notebook, bigger than an iPhone capable of using a touch screen for multi fingers gesture, and an accelerometer to detect when you rotate or tilt the device. This kind of portable computer is going to create a whole new way for portability, communication and interaction with data.

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Sounds more like the kindle/Sony eReader/Illiad

Honestly, I don’t want a full blown portable computer. I have a laptop yes, but when it comes to doing things truly portable (i.e. while ambulating – read as walking), a laptop doesn’t do it. A laptop is meant to be a desktop, that you can carry around with you and put down on a desk or table and continue to use as a desktop.

A truly portable computer won’t have all the functionality of a full blown computer. Honestly, you aren’t going to type while you ware walking, you aren’t going to type while you are driving (god forbid). The most I really want a truly mobile computer to do is be comfortable to read.

In this day of the joke of the paperless society, I must honestly say that I proably print out more than 50% of what I read (I mean when it comes to genuine reading material, not printing out 50% of every webpage or reference). I don’t want to sit in front of my computer reading, and I don’t want to carry my realtively heavy laptop to read a book or article. Tablet PCs aren’t much better, because they are really generally just laptops with reversable screens, but they are just has heavy as their desktop laptop bound cousins.

It would be really nice if a computer would be created that was a light as the Kindle with the same realistic paper-like appearence, but have close to the same functionality as full computer. Not a full PC functionality, something similar to a PDA in capability, but with a viewable space that more easily accomadates casual reading.

I think that’s really what I am getting at, that I would like to see a full size PDA. Something like the full size pda-like tablets used as reading tablets on the Star Trek: Next Gen shows (NG,DS9,Voyager).

What do you think?

You’re getting way to caught up in the hardware, the DynaBook was as much about the software as it was about the hardware.

I agree, but the hardware problem is easier to solve. The software Alan envisioned may not even happen in our lifetimes (IMO)

We nearly had it with Bill Atkinson’s HyperCard but for some reason (Steve Jobs) we lost it. Maybe we could put it back together again in our lifetime?

It’s interesting to read the comments now that the iPad is out there.

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Windows isn’t the right fit. An entire operating system built around the web browser is exactly what was needed:

The Chromebook and ChromeOS took the crown here :trophy:.

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