Revisiting the Black Sunday Hack

Most of us who were in the hobby had emulator software. The card reader where the h card was at, emulation software on a old 386 pc, and a serial connected card that went into the IRD. The card was virtualized in the pc. Nothing was written to the card, just a virtual version of the card. Those of us that did that was how we figured out a few weeks afterwards that a bootstrap to put the card into, with the original code of the cards, would then go into the receiver, with the card seamlessly inserted into the back of it. bypassing that ecm.

And now they’re owned by “Always taping and throttling”

I was wondering the same thing. I was part of hitecsat/piratesden for the longest time. I remember the old jedistealth 3m/nitro3m etc being the most used public 3ms out there. I recently came across my old H card reader before I got the unlooper version.

If you have the tor address for where the piratesden went I’d love to rejoin. didn’t know they were still kicking :slight_smile: drop it in my inbox usmcskinner at gmail


Check it out! Peter Fairlie is recreating this classic hack!

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Nice video. Brought back some good memories.
:innocent: :shushing_face:

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