Sample Databases in SQL Server 2005

Thanks for this, really helpful!!!

Thanks alot!!

Great information. Many thanks.

It would really be nice if Microsoft just zipped up a .sql file that was compatible with 2005.

It would be about 10 less clicks each for the 1 million developers doing this…

I tried installing sql srever management studio after installing visual studio 2008 and got this regarding msxls . Although I already had msxml 6 parser installed on my xp.

I was able to fix this accidently by trying to repair msxml 6 installation from control panel as documented on the link below:

Cool Beans, I’ve got Northwind installed from the SQL Script: instnwnd.sql and now can go my thing. Extremely easy, thanks…

Recently, I wanted to get some sample databases to play around with in a fresh 2008 install. In order to use the intellisense and other schnazzy features, I got the AdventureWorks DB. The process is less than straightforward, so this write-up may be of assistance:

I looked all over the internet and this is the only solution that worked! Thank you so much!

Great info. Timeless. Saved my day.

Thanks a lot.

Excellent piece of work Jeff. Please go to work at CodePlex and make this stuff a little easier to understand for the rest of us!! I ended up using the scripts using SQL Server Management Studio Express.

Thanks. Finally some solution that works. Simple backup/restore Northwind suggested on other websides doesn’t work.I have SQL2000 and SQL2005 in my office and want the database sample that works for both.

everybody follow this link