See You at CUSEC 2008

If you run into Zed, watch out for falling f-bombs.

Those can kill a entire language.

No-one curls like the British…for some reason.

Currently hanging out in our hotel room waiting to go to the Banquet… I actually came across this blog after I found out you were speaking at CUSEC.

Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow!

Can you speak canadian?!?

There is no mismatch. If you need proof, above list is your voters. Go ahead and shoot. congrats and best wishes.
Sachin Chavan

We have 2 great treasures… Tim Horton’s Coffee, and Alexander Keith’s Pale Ale. I recommend both.

"Canadian cities look the way American cities do on television."
There’s a reason for that - so many of them are filmed there!


Timmys was sold a few years ago to Wendies. You’ll have to switch to Robins…

Too bad the conference wasn’t in the summer. Montreal is a blast in the summer.

I wish I had of known this was going on. I am in Ottawa and its not that far away, but to make a road trip out of it requires a little planning.

Hey, great to have you in my home-town! I hope you enjoy it. Forget about what someone said about Keith’s, though; you need to go for some Borale or some Unibroue (Fin du Monde, Don de Dieu, etc).

Anyways, enjoy!

If you’re a fan of excellent beer, I suggest visiting the brewpub Dieu du Ciel. Every visit to Montreal, I have to spend an afternoon or evening there.

Keith’s is a treasure? Hah!

Maybe you’re there as eye-candy?

Say hi to Shawn (Hanzo) for me while you’re up there. :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats Jeff. Have fun and let us know about your experiences in Canada.

Remember to end all speaking in “eh”.

You don’t like curling?? BLASPHEMY!!

Probably because most CS/SE students in America wouldn’t be able to come up with the $$ to attend it! :stuck_out_tongue:

The price is pretty low, it only costs $55 for a ticket to the conference, which includes all three days. That’s like, two weeks worth of beer money.

Your first time visiting your neighbour? You must not travel much. And this is definitely not the best time of year to visit Montreal.

“It’s too bad there isn’t an equivalent student-run conference for American computer science students.”

Probably because most CS/SE students in America wouldn’t be able to come up with the $$ to attend it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, play nice with the Canadian kids. And remember to bundle up - it’s a tad cold up there this time of year.

what will your speech be aboot jeef?

Jeff, you must have something worth saying / reading or you would not attract such a fan base. and…

Curling is another crazy game invented by the Scots. Once you understand it it is great fun to watch. I have two kids competing in the US Junior National Curling Championships next month so like it or not I have to watch it.

Hey, cool… You’re visiting my city. Welcome! :slight_smile: