Stop Me If You Think You've Seen This Word Before

My worst was trying to find information about COM (as in, Component Object Model, that ancient Microsoft technology). Most people use the acronym, not the expanded name, so I have to search for the acronym.

However, searching for COM gives me the most useless results: absolutely anything with a .com in it.

And also Comit Olmpico Mexicano (Mexican Olympic Committee)

I also HATE how Google tries to be smart and put Spanish results first because it notices Accept-Language: es, and probably that my IP is in Argentina. I want them ordered by RELEVANCE without caring about language. The most useful results for tech topics will be in English.

If a common word is essential to getting the results you want, you can include it by putting a + sign in front of it. (Be sure to include a space before the + sign.)

I wrote a note the other day to a vendor. An ingredient in their product was rapeseed. I had copied the ingredient list from their web site and pasted it into a text box. The web application kept failing because it automatically detected profanity. I removed the ingredient and it worked. Their application probably did a plain old dictionary search.

De Morgans Law:
!(p q) == !p | !q

!(!p !q) == !!p | !!q

Canceling the double negative out front of each term gives the intended result of:
p | q

Use De Morgans law to hack an OR query on stack overflow if you really need that OR ability.

But I didnā€™t do so hot in discrete mathematics back in college so YMMV. Be sure to check over the logic. :wink:

So when will you be adding the or operator on the stack overflow tag search?

this reminds of a very nice quote on s top 100 listā€¦
it was actually a friend of mine getting furious and frustrated since google didnt return any search result for his query on the bandā€¦ā€˜the whoā€™

So when will you be adding the or operator on the stack overflow tag search?

I have never used or in 10 years of using Google to search for things, quite successfully I might add. Why would I need it on SO? Is there some point in the far future where it becomes useful?

I do use not sometimes, and we support that on SO.

Check out

My mistakeā€¦ it has already been added:

And the reason for the addition was because I wanted my own feed with unanswered questions, for all the areas (tags) Iā€™m interested in.

In general, band names are just the worst. But Google handles the well known ones pretty accurately; suprisingly, X and The Band both turned up the bands right away. Lesser known bands like Hey Hey My My (from France), though, not so much.

My mistakeā€¦ it has already been added:

Oh, you meant for tags. Sorry, I misunderstood you. Sure ā€“ youā€™re right, AND and OR are necessary for tag browsing.

I donā€™t really think of that as search, though.
First link leads you to mp3 file of this band.

If you want a really good list of common words and phrases, you can buy Googleā€™s 6 DVD set of n-grams for $150:

That would be a word/phrase frequency count from Googleā€™s crawl of a trillion web pages.

Not that Iā€™ve read the replies, but itā€™s a security issue how you configure the stop words, no? As theyā€™re released and thereā€™s no standardization in databases, it is arduous at the least as a developer.

Re: Google, YouTube automatically wraps your input with now. Isnā€™t the new workaround to put a + before a stop word? No sense in that?

-Kapital K +THE

Searching for http also gives very interesting results on Google.

@ Brooks Moses

Thanks. But that should not be the case.

Actually, as a geek, the most frustrating thing is dealing with punctuation. How many times do I search for code or a specific error message that contains punctuation tha tis simply stripped out.

Or just search for C#, more likely than not, the hits you get back will be about C, not C#.

Which really makes you wonder, since itā€™s us geeks that write search enginesā€¦

What happened to the font? Ew.

Iā€™d just be happy if I could search for .NET and not get results for every URL ending in .net, or C# and not get ones for C. They are quite unique terms, nowadays.

Love it! Good article Jeff.

I just tried a search for the in google and got this:

Results 1 - 10 of about 12,030,000,000 for the. (0.23 seconds)

Thats over a billion more results than a posting above - I wonder why?

It will be fun if Windows 7 is out ā€¦
Never use single-letters as distinctive product names!