The Eight Levels of Programmers

I’m kinda scared to think about where I fall on this list. Its probably depressingly low. Oh well I guess that gives me something to work towards :slight_smile: .

Whatever, but there needs to be designers, architects, and analysts too. And their levels. Programmers are or at least shouldn’t be alone.

I see myself at 4.8 but I aim to be 6.0

Well we all know Jeff is number 3, an Amateur Programmer.

How do you people find the time babbling about this nonsense while you’re working programmers?. Either you’re very talented with multitasking capabilities or you don’t work enough…

This is pretty bad.

All these levels are obvious. Why do they need to be stated at all?
This list has no redeeming values whatsoever.

Tongue planted firmly in cheek? Nothing in here approaches humour.

going to b-school so i don’t have to freakin code any longer.

Hmm… shouldn’t this have gone from level zero to level seven instead?

Why don’t you change ‘dead’ programmer to ‘immortal’ programmer?

Sorry but Gates is not a programmer.

To be honest, the levels of programming are probably better represented by a B-tree rather than a list.

Lmao @ Jay, afraid Gates was a programmer, doesnt know what he does now

I’m sorry to hear Mr. Knuth has passed away. He was quite a remarkable person.

Excellent post Jeff

So when a programmer builds a business around his work he ALSO has to be famous in order to be successful?

What a load of poppycock.

Geez, when I read this post, I didn’t think it was meant to be an exhaustive list of programmers… I guess I was wrong, because based on the comments, most people thought that was what Jeff was trying to do. No love for Bill Joy!!! ha ha

I’d label myself #4. I began coding as a hobby and luckily landed a fantastic programming job, but I have no aspirations to be programming professionally in the future. Not even 2 years from now.

obviously some programmers are better than others… this article is pointless/useless

Stupid people…the level posted by jeff dont mean anything…
he is just trying to show directions to programmers…
and about bill gates…
he may not be a programmer …but he certainly has a very strong background in programming …and that reflects in his company…enuf said…
and now back to programming(read blogs…)…

Gates was a programmer? Whom are you kidding? What code did he actually wrote?

Are you kidding me? get updated here :