The real cost of performance

I don't usually get territorial about modifications to "my" code. First of all, it's our code. And if you want to change something, be my guest; that's why God invented source control. But, for the love of all that's holy, don't take working code and break it in the name of highly questionable "performance" gains. I was forced to have a sit-down discussion yesterday with another programmer about some of my NameValueCode code he, uh, refactored:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original blog entry at:

This is kinda similar, lately I prefer

string.Concat("String 1: ", strOne)


"String 1: " + strOne

Something about seeing those plus signs all over the place looks ugly to me. With string.Concat, it’s a little more explicit.

Ever since I found out that doing:

if( string1 != “” )…

causes another string to be created(the empty string) I’ve been checking for length instead.

I think FxCop explains the reason as well, but a quick poke with ILDASM shows the other string being created if you wanna see it.
Now i just do:

if( string1 != null string1.Length 0 )…

Interestingly FxCop suggests you use the Length property of strings to test if they are zero length or not, rather that direct = or comparisons.

If Value.Length 0 Then
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If nvc.Item(name).Length = 0 Then
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nvc.Add(name, Value)
nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;End If
End If

The Equals method is certainly overkill and not warranted in this instance though.

“Premature optimisation is the root of all evil” – Donald Knuth

Any time anyone’s “optimising” your code, I’d ask to see the output of the profiler first. What’s that? They didn’t run a profiler? The change is so obviously right that they didn’t need a profiler? Then they need to go back to the two laws described by Michael Jackson (the data structures guy, not the freak):

  • Rule 1. Don’t do it.
  • Rule 2. (for experts only) Don’t do it yet.

Oh I so hate it when “performance” developers hack your well written, maintainable code into something unreadable forsake of a few clock cycles.

I worked on a project a few months ago, which involved about 50 developers, and I came on board towards the end. I asked the architect what was going to be done about performance, because the software had not been designed with speed in mind. He told me that a crack team of developers would performance tune the app. What actually happened is that the performance team broke most of the software. Some modules wouldn’t build and some no longer ran without crashing.

Concerning your article, yes, who in God’s name uses the .Equals method when there is a perfectly good operator that we’ve been using for years.

BTW, as good practice I would check for null/nothing and not rely on the language evaluating (null == “”) or (Nothing = “”) as true. In the C++ days this expression would cause a crash.

I always use .Length == 0 to check for the empty string. The meaning of that seems clear and unambiguous and is an integer compare instead of a string compare.

It sounds like the “=” in VB.NET is overloaded to also manage handling Nothing. That is completely non-obvious to me and that’s why your code broke, because it was non-obvious. I think .Equals is much more obvious. Personally, maybe it’s just my time with Java, but I always use .Equals for (non-null) string compare in C# and VB.NET. My (not necessarily correct) understanding is that is not necessary to use .Equals unless you want to support string compare in multiple languages (like English, French, etc.), but I do it anyway because I think it is more clear. Maybe it’s my C++ background, but putting a single “=” sign in an “if” statement makes me extremely uncomfortable and I avoid it whenever possible (probably another reason I use .Equals).

This is really a very personal preference thing and I don’t think you are necessarily justified in arguing with team members over style if there aren’t coding standards covering this issue. If he broke the code, he needs to be talked to. If he made a change that added no value, he needs to be talked to. He did screw up here, but I think not knowing that VB.NET had Nothing handling with the equal sign is non-obvious and an easily forgivable mistake/learning experience.

Were there unit tests that he could have run before his check-in to make sure he did not break anything?

I think you’re over reacting.

I agree that the cost of changing the code does not justify the performance gain especially since it was broken, but to use the words “crazy” and “insane” do describe a fellow co-workers actions can rub a person the wrong way.

IMO, you should’ve made sure the person understands the error s/he introduced and philosophize that making this change is not likely a valuable use of thier time and leave it at that.

Yeah your 2.6 ghz machine with 1.5gbs or ram may not be able to handle that sring comparrison, I’m glad your friend straightened you out;)

I agree with both of you. His changes make sense, and he is correct on most of his statements. However, that doesn’t necessarily merit the code change.

I also get annoyed when a developer adds a variable or function in the middle of a class or project using a completely different set of coding standards than the rest of the project. I found a few functions in a C# project the other day that were named with the classic Java camelCase() style. Ick.

Unless you work a some type of ultra-strict software development company that demands that your tabs be saved as spaces, and that a tab is 2 spaces (so more code can fit on the screen), I would stick to the overall rule that the original code designer picks the coding guidelines for that file or project. Everyone coming in after that must follow (to the best of his/her ability) the same guidelines. The coding standards can be changed only if the code is “given” to another developer due to the original developer leaving the company or the team.

Or, you can just refuse to work with anyone else :slight_smile:

  • Joshua

Yeah, I probably should have done the nothing comparison:

If nvc.Item(name) Is Nothing Then
nvc.Add(name, Value)
End If

Rather than testing Item(name) = “”; the additional ‘free’ comparsion doesn’t help me anyway. I just want to know if the key exists in the collection or not.

Of course that’s not really material to the issue at hand (why use .Equals() when you have a perfectly good intrinsic comparison?), but you guys are absolutely right :wink:

There was nothing wrong with your code and it was certainly needless liability to make a change to working code over what really boils down to personal preference.

But the whole latter part of your post was spent on a defensive nit-pick of the readability of using a method vs. an operator? Come on… that’s as silly as the justifications homeboy made for changing your stuff in the first place.

You chose to code against some of the less-straight forward properties of a collection and a string. You knew that the string comparison class treats Nothings and Emptys the same. You knew that a collection, void of a key, would return Nothing (as opposed to a more java-ish no-such-item exception). Because you knew this your code, like all your sexy, sexy code, worked and worked well.

Homeboy might prefer to leverage the knowledge that marking classes with that “Implements” thing implies. Instead of looking at the (type-unsafe) collection as the sum of all its component’s implementations… maybe it was simpler to him to consider it an IComparable object in an ICollection collection. Instead of using known side-effects of their implementation… he might just excercise the contract laid out in Comparable (.Equals for equality) and in ICollection (.Contains for existance).

It doesn’t matter to me which way someone swings with regard to their coding style. What’s important is that you are able to identify what is really bad and unreadable and not just pick out dogmatic, elitist, personal preference and insignificant performance gains.

Considering that str1 and str2 has some value…

Has anyone evaulated string.Compare(str1,str2) vis-a-vis str1.Equals(str2)
(Since already know that str1==str2 is a bad idea)

If you want to know performance you need to profile. Some graphs help too.


Run this code and let vb speak for itself.
There is a bug in this which i don’t understand
see comments in code

Public Class Form1
Dim empty As String = ""
Dim uninit As String
Dim t As New System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
Dim x As Integer = 5
Dim y As Integer = 5
Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Const n As Integer = 100000000 ’ 10 million iterations

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     'no if then
     count += x
  t.Stop() ' 303 ms = result on celeron 2.4GHz machine
  Console.WriteLine(" Control. "  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)

  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If String.IsNullOrEmpty(uninit) Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 955, 961, 967 ms = 3 runs results
  Console.WriteLine(" If String.IsNullOrEmpty(uninit)"  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)

  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If Len(uninit) = 0 Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 1021, 1068, 1030
  Console.WriteLine(" Len(uninit) = 0.  "  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)

  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If uninit = empty Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 1199, 1196, 1194
  Console.WriteLine(" If uninit = empty "  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)
  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If empty = uninit Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 1207, 1198, 1194
  Console.WriteLine(" If empty = uninit "  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)

  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If uninit = "" Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 1225, 1233, 1222
  Console.WriteLine(" If uninit = '' "  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)
  ' this one above is 200msec slower after 10 million iterations

  ' so choose what is easiest to understand
  ' personally i have always used the slowest one 
  ' If uninit = "" Then...

  ' but I now know that
  ' If String.IsNullOrEmpty(uninit)... 
  ' is fastest and I can save 
  ' one msec for every 50,000 iterations

  ' interestingly the following integer test is 5 times slower ???
  ' it reports 5500 ms but the output appears in less than a sec 
  ' so what's happening here?

  ' If x = 5 Then
  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If x = 5 Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() ' 5501, 5504, 5496
  Console.WriteLine(" If x = 5"  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)
  count = 0
  For i = 1 To n
     If x = y Then
        count += x
     End If
  t.Stop() '
  Console.WriteLine(" If x = 5"  t.ElapsedMilliseconds)

  'If uninit.Length = 0 Then ' throws exception

End Sub
End Class

I agree that you are seriously overreacting. If I were the optimizing employee I would shun you for life and pray I never had to work with you again.

I have performed similar premature optimization and, yes, I have broken working code. What you should have yelled at your coworker for is not for his optimization, but his lack of testing before and after the change. (It is also very easy to call someone up and ask a question, or it should be)

Now, if your code does not distinguish between Nothing and String.Empty, then you are to blame for having unclear code. If other programmers have to make assumptions like that, than your code is the true horror.

In C#, an equivelent idea would be:

string o = GetNewThingy(); // could be null
if (o == String.Empty)
// give every employee $300 raise

Now, if I were to come along this code I would be instantly aware that o could be null. If I planned on optimizing it (people do it out of habit) then I would rewrite it like so:

string o = GetNewThingy();
if (String.Empty.Equal(o)) // it is okay to compare against null
// give every employee $300 raise

I agree that this is harder to read. However, a large number of programmers come from a world where optimizations were once beneficial. I come from a group of C/C++ programmers who write algorithms and data structures for fun. Some optimizations are so force of habit and so simple that they kind of spill from the finger tips.

So, blah!

What about

StringBuilder vs String.Concat

Or + operator

I agree clarity of your intention is the #1 objective. And in your case you may be better off using the static String.IsNullOrEmpty method. With this, your intentions would be even clearer since the = operator in VB has a somewhat strange convention of returning true for comparisons between a null and an empty string.