The Ten Commandments of Egoless Programming

Different job: IBM Research. We got to choose our own computer user id. I chose: MICE@yktvmv.

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My comment above was meant as a joke. :smiley: But Iā€™m glad you added to the story which clarified things.

Whenever an old co-worker (and now neighbor) and I talked about some of the stuff that went on when we worked together years ago, I always had a lot more to tell him than he could tell me. He left the job after 10 yearsā€¦ me 20 years. He would always finish our conversation with, ā€œPeople would have to believe what you say because no one can make up this kind of $#itā€ - and then laugh.

There used to be two older ā€œgentlemenā€ who used to talk about their time spent during WWII. They were sitting together having lunch and at the next table I sat with another employee. One guy was telling the other how he didnā€™t know how to swim and was terrified of the ship ride across the ocean. He said he was sea sick most of the time. The other guy - and Iā€™m trying to spell these words as they were pronounced - asks him if he saw any daltons. The other replies, "No, but I saw some porkisis. The guy sitting with me choked on his sandwich as he burst out in laughter. I had to perform the Heimlich maneuver on him. :laughing: Those two guys always gave us a good laugh.

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Thank you for writing such an awesome post and mention about the book. I have just ordered in since I am working in a software development company, this book will be useful to many of us.

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