The Xanadu Dream

Instead of comparing Xanadu to the Internet as a whole, it’s probably better to compare it to something like Wikipedia. It’s not really an Internet – it’s a centralized document control system. It’s the sort of system you’d imagine the FBI would use to store reports… before it started using Wiki-like systems.

It’s a lousy model for knowledge in general, though. And its disadvantages should be, by this point, fairly obvious. It’s the sort of thing you think up before you see how the uncontrolled chaos of the actual Internet served both to increase its accessibility (i.e., it is democratizing) and push its creative development (entirely new forms of expression have popped up and some have even become ubiquitous – blogs, tweets, whatever). It’s the system you toss out the window after you realize that all of that “granular” attention to detail isn’t actually necessary at all, and is probably counterproductive.

Xanadu has no room for any of that. Any system whose specs that throws around the word “secure” probably doesn’t have much room for that. The Internet isn’t very “secure” – and that’s what makes it work, for the most part. (Some little segments of it, we hope are secure, like our online banking. But we don’t want the entire Internet to be that way.)

And the idea that simply putting information out there will cure scientific ignorance and produce political harmony is a fallacy that should have been stamped out fifty years ago, yet is still blissfully held on to. There’s no reason to suspect people work in this way, and much evidence to show quite conclusively that they don’t.

Xanadu is not a joke… but it is a failure, and a rightful one.

Xanadu has problems built into the 17 rules.

  1. “Every Xanadu server is uniquely and securely identified.” Please define “server.” Does it include multiple machines used for load balancing? If I bring a backup online is it the same as the original server? Sharding?

  2. “Every user is uniquely and securely identified.” Different groups have different security models. Each person has different roles, with different security requirements. And since before the days of the Federalist Paper’s there’s a recognized benefit to anonymity. That’s not saying what we have is good, I’m saying that this rule does not reflect reality.

  3. “Every document can contain a royalty mechanism at any desired degree of granularity …” How can that even work? And if the local laws (“fair use”, “copyright term extension”) disagree, is there any workaround? Plus, don’t trust anything which includes “once we’ve solved the micropayment problem.”

  4. “Every document is uniquely and securely identified.” I’ve been trying to understand this one, especially in the face of versioning. What’s a “document”? I assume that using the document itself as an identifier isn’t appropriate. Does each edit of my blog get its own identifier? Does a page which tells the current date and time get an identifier for each moment? What about included ads, esp. those localized based on the user’s country? Documents which include a current webcam shot? Synthesized views from multiple different servers?

  5. “Every document is automatically moved to physical storage appropriate to its frequency of access from any given location.” Well, we’ve got that. Pay someone an “appropriate” amount of money and they’ll do it for you. Otherwise it’s not appropriate to move the data. Well, except for some caching.

  6. “Every document is automatically stored redundantly to maintain availability even in case of a disaster.” I know my web server provider makes backups of my files. But if the Xanadu server is “operated independently” then what happens? And again, what is a “document”?

  7. Every transaction is secure and auditable only by the parties to that transaction." What’s a “transaction”? What’s a “party”? Is my ISP party to the transaction between me and my bank?

The current web may be “fundamentally broken” but the ideas of Xanadu are far more broken.

So, you could choose the crappy Olivia Newton John reference, or the superb Rush reference…Jeff, I am so disappointed.

I’m playing Xanadu right now to spite you. Can you feel it?!

“Searching…for the Lost…Xanadu!”

Jeff, it is one of the things I love about your blog. You always place an excerpt of the page you are linking. At first I liked it because it meant I didn’t have to follow the link (admittedly, but I try to follow links when I can). But now, when I re-read your older articles, it really helps because those links are often broken.

Perhaps this is the best one can do in a world of link rot.

Andrew Dalke +1

From the Xanadu website describing a data structure:

"The crum table shows how the rearrangement is enacted within a buffer containing and identifying the crums. A numeral is associated with each crum, showing its level in the tree structure of the enfilade, thus modelling a subrepresentation of the whole structure. The lowest-level crums (level 4) point to string data. WIDs are not shown.

In this map, the three-cut rearrangement of the previous illustration is mapped into its constituent operations on the crum pointers. The “¢” symbol indicates a cut to be made in the crum, specfically to crums K, H, M and N, which we see propagated up to the highest necessary level. A rearrangement of the crums (and sending the crum table to mass storage) completes the rearrangement of the text below.

The first two rows of the illustration identify the crums of a subrepresentation of the enfilade, starting with D, a crum at level 2. Passing rightward, six crums are omitted from the map; then F, a level 3 crum (not involved) and G, a level 3 crum, where the work begins. Below G are 14 level-4 crums (omitted), then K, a level-4 crum involved in the operation, and its succesor L, not involved. We see H, a third-level crum involved in the rearrangement, above M; four other crums are not shown, N (involved in the operation), and then other crum-counts of crums which are omitted.

In the third level of the diagram, showing only a part of the table, we see the cuts propagate to the bottom level as the rearrangement is consummated. Sections of crums are exchanged, after which the “¢” symbols may be removed from the crum table.

To enact the operation, K, M and N are cut. In the method illustrated here, the “¢” sign is used as an actual marker in the crum table. Crum K is replaced by crum K1, the “¢” sign and crum K2. Crum M is replaced by Crum M1, the “¢” sign and crum M2; crum N is replaced crum N1, the “¢” sign and crum N2."

Seriously, what does this remind you of…have you ever read any of the Scientology manuals?

There has always been this thing where people make up new names for things that already exist when they are convinced that their ideas are so mind blowing that existing language cannot adequately suffice.

Andrew Dalke +1

@Matt - So glad you referenced RUSH!

“I had heard the whispered tales of immortality…”

the rest of you can complain, but I am just happy there is a new post… I think is in my history several times a day for the past 2 weeks…

Plus, I didn’t know anything about this.

I always wanted to hear Olivia Newton-John sing Rush’s Xanadu. Or, vice-versa…

@Joseph Crotty

Tell you what, you prove that God exists and we’ll start listening to the virgin shut-ins you profess to have wisdom.

You don’t KNOW, for instance, that Vishnu doesn’t exist (you HOPE that he doesn’t exist), but I doubt you spend any time reading the opinions of Hindu religious readers.

I prefer a reality that is only 20% (yes! even the short side of Pareto’s principle) functional that a perfect dream that never fails, because we live in the real world, and not at the other side of the mirror.

Ship first, improve and debug later!


You mean by linking to it perhaps? I think it’s clear it was inspired by Dare’s blog by the fact he links to the very blog entry you’re complaining about.

Hallelujah! You have written a post, finally when you have been silent for so long.
I like the anarchistic and obnoxious programmer - I’m little like that! And who said like that: "He tells loudly that he knows a half-dozen programming languages and doesn’t shy about that either. He walks around like he’s freakin’ James Bond."
Let us fellow programmer’s be like James Bond!!!

I think it is much more than “Always remember that shipping is a feature.”.

Shipping is a feature implies that Ted just wanted to get the thing to a “perfect” state before he releases it. And that if he didn’t mind releasing something with a few bugs then Xanadu were a huge success.

I think the fundamental problem here is not that of striving for perfection. Let me explain.

At the very heart of Xanadu lies a “whole world knowledge” assumption. I mean, in order to be ensure that all links are viable (no broken links) you must be able to know, at any point in time, the exact set of all documents in the system. This assumption is at odds with allowing every user to add/change/delete documents.

Assuming a whole world knowledge at modern (large enough) information system is usually a false assumption. For instance, you can’t know the exact number of purchases that were made at WallMart today because this means stopping the system and counting some records in some DB table.

Xanadu is based on this assumption. Thus it was doomed to fail.

I love the web in its current miserable state. Link rot, free access, scattered identity management and anonymous access I consider features, given the alternative. Without these features the web would not be where it is. So yes, worse is better in this case.

I think it’s worth considering that monoculture (that is, the ubiquity portrayed by a concept like Xanadu) hinders development (in the broad sense, if not the software sense per se). The reason we have, say, Google Maps is not just because Mapquest wasn’t good enough, but because it wasn’t the map application designate of the Internet. It was the de facto dominant platform in that space, but lacking imposed ubiquity, those with better ideas were free to produce and publish those ideas.

And while this example obviously could be shoehorned into the Xanadu concept, other more fundamental examples could not: those used for identification, for instance. While having a single login for the web may have its perks, it also has its limits. I value being able to identify myself differently for different purposes on the web, personally. I don’t like the idea of my identity for discussing politics being mixed up with my identity for job hunting. In a sense, the Xanadu concept presents a pseudo-voluntary Big Brother enrollment platform. Given that alternative, I’d much prefer to enter whatever name I choose and answer some CAPTCHA challenge (here), or login credentials (where I store sensitive data), or no identifying information whatever (where I discuss anything I consider controversial and potentially exposing me to undue danger).

Interesting… Maybe Google wave will work out after all

The web is fine… Ted wanted 2 way links and he didn’t get them because it’s a shit idea - you can achieve 2 way links as the web is now by checking the Referrer header of clients accessing your pages - so by not enforcing 2 way links you GAIN the flexibility of not having to couple the linker and the linkee. Ted’s a bell-end.

I’m sorry Jeff, but moaning about the most intricate socially enabling system on the planet EVER, is pretty rich. Don’t give up your day job.


“There is almost no reliable centralized form of identity on the internet…”

I think you’ll find there are many people who consider that a good thing.