Total Users Does Not Equal Total Usage

The MSM have been caught with very inflated circulation numbers so it is not surprising to find other sites doing similar things, expecially if they tilt left


Well, the US is more or less the only country it would make sense comparing the usage numbers to. Using Norway or the UK wouldn’t make sense, since there aren’t 100 mill inhabitants in either country. Using China would be wierd, as the number would then seem small + we all know that China doesn’t have the same Internet penetration.

You COULD use the EU, but then again, how many Americans know the EU has 500 million inhabitants?

seriously man, I need to point out that the USA is not the entire world ! (jk)

Poor Jeff. Gotta agree with jd on this. If you say “100 million people out of 300 million” it’s insane. If you say “100 million people out of 3 billion”, less insane.

Let’s just agree to disagree. But at the very least, we can ALL agree that Jeff is a moron.

Hey! I do not appreciate that. Yes, I occasionally let loose and crap my pants. And yes, I get cofused at why all Chinese people always smell… but I am not a mormon…

As a piece of human feces, NOTHING offends me. Well, maybe the Chinese. Hell, even I think they are dirty…

If my comment makes no sense, then maybe it should become a mormon belief.

As Chinese, all is fine. Happy bang wow. Fecal power! Yeah!

I always use and night 7 days a week 10 hours a day and 365 days a year.Myspace is not a joke to me , I take it very seriosly because i know Tom took the time out to make this website and the least i could do is use it and i do and i thank Tom so much. He is very inteligent when he made Myspace,It keeps me busy with the games,messages,music,comments and much much more. I would like to thank Tom for all his hard work. I bet Tom is very succsecful in what he does and he deserves to have everything he wants because he let everyone else have what they want by interacting with our friends and family as well.So i would like to thank Tom soooo much for all his work and i am sitting home right now giving tom a standing ovatoin because he deserves it very very much. THAK YOU TOM FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK AND TIME.

Seeing as how MySpace banks on the bizarre social phenomenon of perceived popularity leading to actual popularity (and to their credit, it works for them), I guess it makes sense for them to inflate their numbers. People use MySpace because “everyone else is on it” or “you have no idea how often I’ll be talking to some girl and she’ll ask me ‘are you on MySpace?’” (actual quotes from users).

In a sense, it’s annoying that these services only bother to advertise themselves as popular and not good or useful, but then again, isn’t popularity the most important metric of a social-networking service, and doesn’t it make sense for competing companies to inflate their numbers as much as possible?

About the America thing - Jeff did say “conceivably”, so I don’t know if it was a goof, but I still think that’s wrong. The vast majority of MySpace pages appear to have been designed by blind, retarded monkeys, who ipso facto are not citizens of any particular country.

Har har!

Fight fire with fire hey? One set of shonky figures to discredit another set. I’m glad you got drilled for that. It really does seem that Americans think they are the world and you’re calculations don’t help.

I think he’s just using it as something to create a conceivable number of people.

That doesn’t work either, because I doubt you can conceive the whole population of USA. And looking at 1/3 of the people you meet in America as those that are supposed to be myspace members is a flawed idea aswell, since the original calculation is flawed. You just look real stupid trying to make that statement, even if your point is valid.

As a mormon, I am greatly offended by Jeff, the Chinese, and good common sense. Crapping your pants is fine with me. Although it tends to offend other people.