Weeding out the Weak Developers with J2EE

“Disregarding the report sight unseen because Microsoft sponsored it” isn’t really applicable here, it’s a distraction from the point: A report that favors Company A’s product over Company B’s product is not as reliable if Company A paid for the study.

If Company A pays for a study that favors Company B and then publishes that study, I think everyone would believe it. So your sentence isn’t accurate, it is the outcome combined with the payment that causes doubt.

When IBM publishes pays for studies that favor them, I assume that IBM made the rules, tried to make a comparison that they would win, and then paid a large sum of money for it. If the company that did the study ended up favoring IBM’s competitor, IBM could tweak the rules a bit and do it again, but how many times would they do that before deciding to use a different “objective third party” to do the next study?

I have never fully believed a study that favors the company that sponsored it because I have never seen a study that ruled in favor of the competitor.

j2ee encompasses a great deal of technology, its not necessary to use it all to create a webapp.

MS for example has no equivilent yet of the object/relational mapping of EJB’s.

If you somehow thing the IDE has more to do with productivity than the language itself, and its frameworks you are kidding yourself.

People write ruby on rails apps in VIM in a fraction of the time a similar j2dee/dotnet app would take.