What did you write five years ago?

5 years ago I was beginning in school learning Java.

Five years ago I was a decent asm programmer. Drivers, sysutils, games (to write a game in pure assembly… isn’t it cool?)…

Now I’m a decent C# programmer.

Still love assembler. For me it’s the best language on earth.

5 years ago, I was in my 2nd year of college, writing some pretty simple C++ programs. Lots of data structures and basic algorithms like quicksort. My coding skills have come a long way since joining the work force, so looking at some of my 5 year old code would surely inspire blood-curdling screams.

My code from that time ago was simalar to yours, vbscript. I look back and think, why didn’t i use javascript.

It would be interesting the see if the comments are the same 5 years ago from now except that the language/toolset has changed.

I think the constant churn of toolsets somewhat prevents mastery of coding in general.

I was doing heavy VB/ASP development with SQL Server backend. I remember logging a bug with MS premier support which got fixed in NT Server 4.0 SP 4 or 5, can’t remember which. We were working on a newsfeed application which was depositing 1000s upon 1000s of small HTML files (news feed files)to the system. Eventually the master file table got corrupted because of the sheer amount of files on the file system and NT started to do all kinds of wierd things in reporting disk space and number of files.

Our “dynamic” web site was a VB program that produced all the HTML files once a day at 2AM. It took a few hours, but the content was updated and redone. The next version was dynamic and used database queries on the meta data to build HTML reposonses dynamically (since the users couldn’t wait for content changes).

Unfortunately, the system was slower than the previous “dynamic” site.

5 years ago I had just taught myself PHP and knew only basic SQL selects. At that point I was helping a friend maintain and improve a game. The code was horrible, what’s worse is that it was replacing worse code.