Who's Your Arch-Enemy?

Got to be Lex Luthor. No doubt about it. The guy just won’t go away.


I hate EE, i’ll do a google search and find the exact answer I want, and bam, paid site. pisses me off.

then i do a search on stackoverflow, and i get a hit.

many of my programing searches now end up being site:stackoverflow.com

Sun has an arch enemy, but too bad that they have no other business model then hating Microsoft.

@Micros Just to be clear, I don’t like EE because I feel it profits from people’s problems and reduces the flow of information (to those that can pay for it).

My gripe was the use of, as you put it, terms of abuse or obvious hyperbole. That and the fact that the article seems to be a simple attack on the opposition - they suck, we rule. Yeah - obviously the owner of a site would think that.

Deformation in some juristictions can be as simple as bringing the product or person’s name into disrepute - EVEN IF the comment is true.
But I doubt that USA is that strict.


It wasn’t my method that sucked. I was mocking Jeff. Jeff implied that since many results were returned for EE sucks that it must mean it sucks.

This is a flawed argument I see again and again on the internet. And you pointed it out perfectly when you did a search for having *** with a beautiful woman sucks.

Not to be a total jerk, but SO is tending to be more social networking and point-whoring than a true-blue technical wiki. What’s your favourite web comic and other bs are the most popular types of questions.

No offense, you can’t control users, but when you get points for asking questions, people would rather ask their own question (and get points) than find an answer elsewhere. For the life of me I can’t understand how Skeet et all have over 30k rep.

Loads of unanswered questions, loads of useless replies. It’s a neat concept, but I don’t really think it’s working too well to be honest.

Personally I just lurk and maybe come across an interesting problem, but usually the sufficiently interesting questions are both too hard to ask as well as answer in such a limited UI. It’s really just a fancy BBS.

EE is perhaps evil, but not really, mostly just annoying. SO isn’t going to put them out of business any time soon. SO is fun and for the most part looks slick. Wheee. But its a jumble of tags that I certainly don’t turn to when I need a good answer. About the only positive thing is paying for an answer using rep - at least I’ll have a better chance of getting a decent answer which is good IMHO. What’s the point of all that rep if you can’t spend it?

I find the real answers on real tech blogs like the one by Rick Strahls. He continues to write useful, on-the-ground, and pretty unbiased technical information year after year. Go Rick!

Wow just wow, this is so true.

The most natural way to create yourself an arch-enemy is to fork a project. Maybe that is one of the success factors in Open Source?

My evil enemy are kittens. they think they are so cute and fury.


Philip: All of those are either pure terms of abuse or obvious hyperbole, and thus not slander/libel, at least under US law. If E-E sued Jeff or SO over that, they’d waste their money, and a good lawyer would advice them to not do so.

Further, X is evil is not, even without the fact that it’s hyperbole, unethical. I’ve used E-E, sadly, and it’s evil.

The idea that E-E is the Devil is pretty well evidenced by the link that Jeff provided. Try here for more: http://www.google.com/search?hl=enq=experts+exchange+is+evil (no HTML, sadly).

The opinion is commonly held already; E-E has no reputation to harm, and I imagine the main reason Jeff didn’t give examples of why E-E is evil is that he assumed everyone here already knew.

Which, if you check the comments, it turns out they do.

(Sucks and Is Evil are, by the way, roughly synonymous in modern programmer usage. The only difference is that Evil is always intentional, and Sucking is sometimes unintentional. But Evil things always Suck.)


…or maybe yours is:


Result: 0

@EE-or on

I don’t know about the others but most of Jon Skeet’s rep is hard earned. He’s the guy who used to be on almost every thread in the news groups helping people out. The guy is just immense (but not like fat or anything), as for some of the others mebbe, some of my best rep is from crappy answers to fluffy questions but I don’t think the balance is that lopsided. Additionally rep is just to enable the Wiki side of SO and doesn’t really mean much after 3k.

: I’m a Myspace Apps developer. There is a popular app known as the truth box. So I made the Lie Box.

You mean you aren’t curing cancer like Jeff Atwood?

a href=http://www.egometry.com/tech/imvu-is-3d-avatar-chat-its-also-a-pride-inducing-piece-of-software-engineering/http://www.egometry.com/tech/imvu-is-3d-avatar-chat-its-also-a-pride-inducing-piece-of-software-engineering//a

One more try to post the link on the Atwood’s cure for answer :slight_smile:


Reminds me a bit of Classmates.com … I think they may have been Facebook’s arch-enemy at one time. Worse, they were actually advertising on Facebook at one time – to give you a lesser service than Facebook for a monthly fee!


The Lie Box does cure cancer.


It does anything you type into it.
And it makes cake.
And it caused the current economic downfall.


It will fix the economy again, too.

I find it funny while clicking through the links of Experts-Exchange Sucks I got one that was malicious and trying to get me to download an .exe file.

Sorry about anonymizing my name, but I’d rather not have my name associated with this.

My personal arch-enemy is one of the developers on our team who acts as if he knows everything and thinks he produces pure gold.

Since his arrival a few months ago, the team has polarized into two cliques: The people who think they know everything (and sycophants) and everyone else. Pretty obvious which clique I ended up in.

yeah, but, but, but…

What if my goal is to be the arch-enemy? What then, eh, Svengali? Then, aren’t you, Mr. Goody Goody Web Site, my arch enemy? Nothing says your arch-enemy has to be evil, now does it?

EE is the only site that has ever inspired me to look for a persistent block this site from search results option in Google.

SO is the anti-EE… and we thank you all for that. er… and each other, as it were.