Why Can't Error Messages Be Fun?

Comic strip makers Wulffmorgenthalers errormessage is different:


  • but I know, websites errors are often more fun than OS applications…

But Chrome is practically a Rip-off of Safari (from the usability point of view). Of course technically it uses processes and has a different script engine, but as for features its practically the same.

I completely agree. It’s like how fun sites tend to have fun 404 pages. And I love Chrome as well! It’s my favorite browser, but I just wish it had plugins like Firefox, so that I could have a Firebug-ish tool to use.

I absolutely agree with you! Even though I use Chrome, I have never noticed this little feature. (maybe my Tabs just never crashed? :-))

I could have never imagined that handling errors would be fun someday. Now there is a realistic chance that I might edit some of the code-bricks in our software to make them more human :slight_smile:

Thank you for this nice and smart article :slight_smile:

also, WebKit is overrated.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Have fun figuring out which object this is referring to!

Brian G said :
–If the error happens frequently, will it still seem funny, or will you think that it is mocking you?
I agree entirely. Funny the first time, but when things are going wrong I’m likely to be frustrated. Weak jokes I’ve heard dozens of times before will not help me when I’m frustrated.

Is there an ad blocker for Chrome yet? Firefox and AdBlock+ have spoiled me. I can’t remember the last time I saw a single advertisement on the web. It might actually be the last time I tried chrome over a month ago.

I don’t understand why people are so thrilled with chrome. I have used it, and I agree that it’s quite fun. However! I am hard pressed to think of a single interface feature that was not lifted from another browser.

For example:
Opera Speed Dial like history view
Opera style rip-off tabs (create a new window by dragging a tab out of the Opera window)
Firefox 3 style favorites button
IE7/8 style options menus
Evidently some features from safari (reading the comments)?

The tabs on top are kind of neat, but I see how this could be really annoying in the eventual linux port (windows can be maximized and unmaximized by dragging them to the top of the screen, and you can’t drag the window if a tab is there.)

Also, the book mark interface is almost non-existant.

What you’re left with in the end is a mish-mash of other browsers with a baby’s first browser look.

Finally, when you get down to it, it’s no faster than Opera or Safari, and Firefox 3 still beats it at Javascript rendering.

I fail to see how this is innovative and I honestly expected more from Google.

Most of us have a hard enough time writing error messages that are meaningful and helpful to the user. Making them fun on top of that adds a extra level of difficulty.

My advice:

  1. Master meaningful and helpful before moving on to fun.

  2. If your shop has someone to write the documentation, they should be working with you on the wording of error messages.

Wow. Amazing some of the comments about unprofessionalism. When did an all-business outlook and lack of a sense of humor become professional? To those of us with personalities it’s not professional, it’s more like dead.

Wake up and smell the 21st century! Know your audience. If you can’t make error messages informative, helpful, and entertaining, hire someone who can.

How about error messages that remember you’ve seen the error 10 times before, and become less humorous and more sympathetic? You know, I bet you’re getting tired of this problem. Have you checked our automated help at http://help.basic.net? If that doesn’t work, you can contact us directly at http://im.a.human.really, or email mail://a_developer@bigcompany.com. We’re here to help.

Error handling is not an afterthought.

LOL. Of course the comment system turned my imaginary URLs into hot links. Click at your own risk. :slight_smile:

I cannot believe how many people are not aware that Chrome uses Apple’s WebKit rendering
engine, the same that is used in Safari.

About the CVS error message: the error message you saw was not tailored as it should have been. CVS has its server software called pserver (which is, or at least was, insecure), and if it establishes a connection properly it returns I LOVE YOU. The default error message is I HATE YOU, but the manual suggests that it be customized.

As soon as Chrome for OSX comes out, and as soon as they add common add-ons like Firefox has, I’ll switch in a heartbeat. Until then, I 3 my Firefox. Safari is good too but almost all the plugins (the good ones anyway) cost money, which I find to be nonsense.

Man, fun error messages! Yay! That’s so much better than verbose error messages that tell me precisely what has gone wrong!

I can’t wait until this honeymoon with overly simplified fun UIs is over.

Scrolling in Chrome is jerky; I hate it.
Not to mention no Ctrl-Shift-T to restore closed tabs, etc.

chrome is cool yes but what is with this opening the new tab right next to the one i am using? if god had intended us to do that then firefox would be doing it too!!!
Firefox will do it in 3.5. I’m sure there’ll be some about:config workaround, but maybe people will just get used to it (I know I will). Anyone remembers the thing about the multiple close-tab buttons after Firefox 2? Anyone still tweaks FF to have only one close-tab button?


I’m believe how many people here think you have to add something to a browser to make it innovative.

IMO, that’s exactly what sets Chrome apart - they took away the junk and left a clean but effective interface.

And browsers have always stolen from each other, just the way that car makers take the best ideas from other companies and make sure to include them in their products. I don’t see why it would be any different with software (MS Office and Open Office??)

oops… I mean’t I can’t believe

Sorry, I meant @jake.