Why You Don't Want an iPhone -- Yet

I have something for watching video. It’s called a TV. I don’t need to watch TV when I’m eating, commuting, or in a business setting.

Strike 1.

I have something with which to listen to music. It’s called an MP3 player, a stereo system, or perhaps even a car radio. The places I don’t watch TV, I probably don’t need to listen to music, either.

Strike 2.

A phone should make phone calls. It should make good, CLEAR phone calls. It should have a decent battery performance while making calls, and a seriously long standby time when not making calls. The whole phone-calling aspect should be the major functionality of anything calling itself a phone.

Strike 3.

Resistance is not futile. Refuse to be assimilated.

I’ve now had two WM5 phones. One touchscreen Cingular 8125 and now I have the Sprint Motorola Q - non-touchscreen WM5. The Q is a very similar phone to yours. I can say this. The non-touchscreen version is much better. I nearly went for the iPhone. I’m very glad I did not.

Here’s a tip to make browsing even better on your phone. From google mobile search page, go down to settings. Turn on “Format web pages for your phone.” Now when you want to visit a site that is a bit bloated, or just a site that doesn’t have a mobile version. First, search the site in google mobile search, then click the link and let google make browsing the site a pleasure… enjoy!

Brook - Phoning is a major aspect of the iPhone, did anything give you the impression it wasn’t?

Looks like the EU version will have 3g

What’s an iPhone?

if you had picked up a regular cell phone and dialed 411 instead of dicking around with the internet, you might have bought those last tickets yourself instead of ending up on the waiting list


Your overuse of bold text

Agree, I went a little too crazy on that this time. I toned it down.

But the iPhone shouldn’t be only judged on Internet services. Basically, most people will want iPhone as the Best iPod ever and the best Cell Phone ever!

Still, I think mobile internet is-- and will be-- huge, even if people don’t realize how significant it is right now. The iPhone has the best mobile browser, ever, so it’s practically criminal to hobble it with EDGE and reliance on WiFi. It’s hard to have a good mobile internet experience with those as your only two options.

you always wait for the improved model, you’ll never buy anything

Agree, but there’s a point of inflection where it does make sense to buy. Eg, you’d be foolish to buy an Apple laptop after it’s been out for a year, the price hasn’t dropped at all, and new models are historically imminent…

I hope the iPhone is a huge, massive success. The cell phone industry needs a massive kick in the rear, and if it takes the iPhone to do it, so be it.


This is one of the few times I’m actullay just smilling at your post…
“I KNOW YOU WANT ONE SOOOO MUCH”. It has NOTHING to do with what you can do with it, it’s the HYPE man.

But it’s OK…


As far as I know, one of the primary reasons behing not having 3G is that the modem chipsets are wildly inefficient.


You’ll get what, 8-9 hours of browsing time over edge with an iPhone? And what, 1.5 hours over 3G with your blackjack?

I, for one (and it does seem to be exactly one in the vast minority here), am glad that my cell phone is nothing more than a phone and a speed dialer. I mean, I don’t even have a camera on my phone. It is so freeing – when I go out into the world, I’m not tethered to the Internet and people don’t expect me to be tethered to the Internet when I’m not sitting at my desk.

The iphone is a toy, a shiny, touch-screen toy, with non-3G capabilities. I have an att toy called the razr v3xx, with a 2GB micro-sd card in that puppy. My phone is completely capable of watching full movies and listening to a large library of songs, i then slap on the micro to sd adapter that came with the card, then put it in my camera. After i snap a couple pictures, i put it in my mp3 player and listen to music for a while.When i’m done, i slap that card in my laptop, and take the pictures off, move some songs around. I like the ability to connect my devices in some way, via cable(which my phone, camera, and mp3 player share) or card, or bluetooth.

The iphone is another toy, just with limited capabilities, and an unjustified price tag. It’s not that i absolutely hate apple products, i just don’t think their price tag justifies their quality.

I agree with jeff, if you like the iphone, wait. There will be buyers to fuel the need for an upgrade.

I agree, the iPhone isn’t what it’s made out to be. Nokia phones will do just as good if not better, though. Symbian is awesome. Someone said that their batteries are bad? My answer: It is that way with bad connections. Live with it. Or move nearer to a cellular broadcast tower instead of out in the sticks like you are now.

WHY would I wait? I’ll buy the iPhone today (one for me and one for my wife) and then when the new ones ship, I’ll buy two new ones. That’s what happens with every other product, so why not with the iPhone. If you don’t have the discretionary income to do that, then I’d argue that you can’t afford an iPhone (now or later).

Saying not to buy and iPhone now because a new one is coming is like saying “don’t buy a computer now, the new ones will be faster/cheaper.” “Don’t buy a car now, the new ones will be cooler/safer.”

This attitude is silly. It leads to people communicating by carrier pigeon and riding in covered wagons.

Until the internet is free, we cannot be truly free.

Until we learn to live, walk, shop, meander thru life (at least in 1 hour increments) without internet attachivity, we will not be free of the Matrix (assuming we are not watching TV, listening to radio, or reading establishment press).

The problem is that America as the worst phone carriers bar none.

The rest of the world went to 3G years ago.

Looks like the EDGE connections on the iPhone are up to 5 times faster than normal. His Jobness can do anything. Anything I tells ya! :slight_smile:

The iPhone is a toy. My cellphone is a tool. The fact that the iPhone cannot copy and paste makes it a horrible tool /and/ a horrible toy.

You are very lucky you don’t live in Brazil. Here I only have EDGE (or normal GPRS for the brave/suicidal), and it costs me US$2.5 per megabyte! The speed is decent though, around 20-25 kB/s.

But the number one reason why I never wanted an iPhone is its size. I currently own a Motorola Ming (A1200i) smartphone, and it does much of what the iPhone does in half the size. It is very good for browsing, since it comes with native Opera.

I did use a Blackjack too, and the first thing I did was intuitively press (literally) the start button, only to find out that it is not a touchscreen. I may have made a fool of myself, but that’s the least I expect from a modern phone.

As far as smartphones are concerned, after using the 3 main competitors (that was before the iPhone), Symbian, Windows and Linux, for me Symbian is still by far the best.

Batteries? My old Symbian phone (Nokia N-Gage QD) lasted one week with moderate use, that is pretty good for me. My current one only lasts 2 days. =/

I think iPhone is awesome although they could have done better. But the fact is: there will always be a space for an improvement. The same concept applies to upgrading. The only thing that sucks about UPGRADE is that the company and the third parties stop supporting older versions, and eventually you have to upgrade even if you don’t want to. Microsoft OS, for example. I got a Windows 98 OS pc, either i have to dump it or upgrade it if i really wanna use it to its full capability. This sucks for consumers and rocks for enterpreneurs.

All I can say is that I really love my TMobile Wing. It may not be all candy-coated buttons that are really easy to use with my thumbs on the touch-screen, but it’s exactly what I was looking for: a PDA with a slide-out qwerty keyboard that happens to work as a cell phone.

Of course, I don’t own an iPod, either. I really feel better off with the Pioneer Inno for that functionality (plus XM radio), or the phone with the miniSD card for MP3/WMA storage.