Bluetooth development

Just for the fun of it

What is the quick/cheap/easiest way to develop and play with Bluetooth LE?




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That’s a pretty vague question. A more detailed requirements spec might result in useful answers. For example, do you like to play with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or mobile phone apps for Android or iPhone?

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I agree that the initial question is quite vague and is an attempt to get ‘this’ topic started.

My long term goal is to do several slight complex personal projects using ‘wireless’ for home
automation so at this point I am not really particular about which processor that I might interface
including Picmicro, ESP32, Odroid, Partical and etc.

What would be ‘new’ to me as an easy/quick and affordable learning platform.

It’s a bang/buck question!



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Yeah, the general advice I give people here is to come up with a set of goals, specific things you want to accomplish or problems you wish to solve, rather than “just experiment”. It tends to work out better that way in my experience.

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The goal is to have a non-commercial Internet of things solution for a few devices around the house. These items might be controlled by a Raspberry Pi running Node-Red and talking to remote nodes that monitor the burners on the stove (are they on?), is the clothes dryer at end of cycle, is the hot water heater working and not leaking?

To talk to the different node I thought that Bluetooth mesh might be a good solution as I didn’t want to have each node be a WIFI device.




Here is the followup to low cost dev kit to play around with Bluetooth Low-energy (BLE) tech.

ESP32-C3_DevKitC-02 at < $15.00 and shipped fairly quickly from Digikey.

ESP32-C3 Wi-Fi & Bluetooth 5 (LE) MCU | Espressif Systems

Next: build the host computer …

