Extending The Windows Vista Grace Period to 120 Days

i need a vista key for my laptop right now,i need your help thanx.

i need a hundred million usd. right now, i need your help thanx.

I hate Vista but i like vista design. Because I decide install windows 7. For test I installed free version http://www.picktorrent.com/torrents/99/windows-7/ . For this moment I like new microsoft OS.

Decide either to pony up the cash for ultimate or just spend 3 hours reinstalling the thing??

Does the Vista trial need to connect to MS servers at any point? Because with a tool like DBAN I don’t see how it could figure out if it was a reinstall or not, unless you needed some sort of psuedo-activation just even use the OS.

Completely OT, but when did you change your title from “.Net and Human Factors” to “Programming and Human Factors”

PL, Microsoft gives discounted software away like their life depended on it. Does any of this software make it to the US market? No. Please don’t say that no other country sees discounts because the fact is that the US does not see the discount that other countries see. Come on, Microsoft is building cheaper machines to only sell overseas. Where is this courtesy for poor families in the US? No discounts in other countries, GIVE ME A BREAK.