How Not to Advertise on the Internet

“I want to click the boob add, don’t know why - whats it for? More boobs by clicking the add, right?”

Admidt it, thats whats goes though your mind, when you see it.

The problem in this is not the boobs, I really don’t mind, the problem is the false adverticement for boobs by clicking. I can find tons of boob adds on the internet, that gives me more boobs. So why click on your boob add, when it redirects me to a non-boob site? (okay there is one pair on their site)

So I feel cheated, not at all what I was after, so I close the window, and look for other boob adds - or goes to one of the boobs sites in my bookmarks.

But I surely don’t hope they begin to target girl players, then just think of what they will do…

I wanted more, than ever before, to check there game out because Jeff told me it was a Civ clone. So that should tell them what they should focus on: Telling me what I get for clicking the add.
But now i’m not gonna, because I’m going to hunt boob sites now, they just told me to.

And P.S. I really like to write ‘boobs’ :slight_smile:

Heh, this one reminded me of this fabulous XKCD comic:

Couldn’t figure out what ad you were talking about. Then I remembered: AdBlock Plus! I’m not seeing the embedded ads in your blog post because AdBlock successfully filters them out. Temporarily turned off ad protection, and now I see what I’ve been missing these past few years. Do I regret it? Nope – AdBlock is enabled yet again on my browser.

What does it say about me that I looked at the last ad and the second thing I thought was “Why don’t the words ‘Best’ and ‘Free’ have the same baseline?”

This kind of advertising has a fine tradition. This image should be familiar to all UK computer users of a certain age. It’s the ad for a ZX Spectrum game called Barbarian:

Not quite as crude as the evony one, but at the time it was fairly contentious.

“We need to sell more products.”
“Let’s show boobs with our products.”
“Yeah! Let’s show boobs and not even show our products!”
"…Wait, what?"
“Yeah! People will think they’re coming to a porn site, then they’ll be disappointed and leave!”

This is one of the best posts I’ve ever read on Coding Horror. I’ve seen all these ads everywhere except the last one as of yet. It’s rare that I actually do laugh out loud reading something on the internet, but this is quality.

I like the one with the sword pointing at her cleavage. You know, because otherwise I’d never have noticed that she has breasts.

And, like many others here – I find the multiplayer online Civilization concept far more clickable than the breasts.

Goddamn. I’ve seen all of the first few ads and thought they were getting progressively more ridiculous, but seriously? An ad with JUST BOOBS? Wtf? It’s laughably ridiculous, yet so objectifying it shouldn’t be funny.

So it wasn’t just me who found this outrageously annoying and stupid :slight_smile:
I have yet to encounter the final form of this ad, I’ve only seen the second to last one so far.

This are hilarious. It’s a role playing game and they are advertising it with a picture of breasts? Good stuff.

@Trevel Perhaps the sword symbolizes something else, nudge nudge wink wink.

Without the text the last ad on the list looks like a generic bra advertisement. Hell even with the text I see no reason why anyone would click on this.

I’m always amazed that folks with access to the net click on these ads. If it’s adult content they want there is plenty of free crap around. And they aren’t even getting it here, I’d be pissed.

God damn, what is it with people calling Idiocracy brilliant?
It’s plainly one of the most brain dead ‘satires’ ever made.

It doesn’t take a genius to make a movie about people being idiots, it has about as much ingenuity and wit as a daytime sitcom with humor that seems aimed to please an audience not to different from the ever day people of the world it portrays.
None of the concepts (LOL porn to advertise everything) were new or anything other than obvious repackaged ‘dumb’ jokes that have been passed around for a long time already.

Seeing the ‘brilliant societal satire’ mantle slip from even the lighter stuff like Brave New World to Idiocracy in the eye of the general public is surely just as much of an indicator that standards are slipping as the advertising mentioned above.

I hate that movie.

Who is it who decides false advertising is a good idea ?
Then decides it isn’t working - so makes it even more false ?

Seriously - do these people even know they are lying ? Or do they actually believe their ads to be a legitimate representation of the game ?

I’ve had no idea what Evony was since I first started seeing the “Play discreetly” ad until this post. Thought it might have been a text game (like those mob games on facebook) where you run a brothel.

I’ve noticed this, too. At least they ads aren’t animated, like those stupid financing ads with the girls dancing. That was about the only thing more annoying!

It totally sucks that ads drive most internet content. Why do you think many articles on legit sites are broken into 10 pages so you have to keep clicking Next Page and then wait for the next page to slowly load, even on boradband, since 99% of what is loading are ads? Advertising, this way they can hit you 10 times instead of once.

Oh God, I hate those ads smack in the middle of article text and now ther eare more and more sites where you try to click in some white space to then scroll the page and now that launches ads.

I really loath advertising now, more than ever!

I get a serious amount of blog comment spam from this place. It’s really starting to make me angry, especially when it’s up to 100 comments per day.

I’ve replaced a large percentage of my stock expletives with “Ow, my balls!” I find that it makes many upsetting misfortunes at least a little funny.

I still think that last iteration has to be some kind of put-on (or take off, as the case may be). I doubt it’s hard at all to get a “rogue” advertisement for some relatively obscure product onto some of the more dodgy ad servers.

At least now I know what that guy in the cube across the way has been doing most of the time. The guy that just got a promotion last month…

I’m not sure how is this wrong.

They did this progressively, so they probably started noticing the ad was working better each time and decided to keep changing it in the sex direction. Until they finally threw the whole “medieval” theme and kept the breasts.

You don’t know what’s happening inside their servers. Maybe this misleading ads don’t lower their conversion rates too much and they still get some horny males who also like playing online games and are gullible enough to pay for game cheats. Sounds like a business model to me :smiley:

Not everyone is in your position, where you can basically create a site and have your followers start spreading the word. Your position is great, you earned it. But some people want to make a living out of a website and they must use this “cheap” tactics and turn to the “lowest common denominator” of online users.

You could have said instead “look, the internet is like Idiocracy, this guys are going down this path and it seems to be working for them since they keep doing it”.

My son plays that game and raves about it. I’ve seen many of these ads myself, but I seriously thought you were pulling our collective leg with that last one. It would be utterly shameful if it weren’t so effective. They know exactly who their target audience is, teenage/male, who won’t be offended in the least by the tactic.