Meta Is Murder

“And consider: how is progress made in the world? By sitting around and debating the process of how things are done ad nauseam? Or by, y’know … doing stuff?”

Have to disagree.

Talking about how or why to do something in the context of engineering is given a special term: Design

Only the lonely who have garage projects have the freedom to do what they choose when they choose it. The rest of us work in teams and act accordingly.


“Am I the only one who felt the not so subtle reference to Meat is Murder by The Smiths? Was it intentional?”

Don’t know about The Smiths, but didn’t you see the knife and the fork below the skull? If you look closer you’ll see by their angles that the T and the A were exchanged. And if you imagegoogle for “meat is murder”, you can find the original. “Subtle” is something else…

Now that we talked about Jeff manipulating images for his blog post, what was the topic of
this post?

However, glad to hear that there’s going to be some sort of meta-SO so that all these subjective things don’t clutter up SO questions.

“let their freak flag fly”

I see someone liked Shrek: The Musical? :slight_smile:

Metadiscussions are a real problem in discussion sites, because people are talking about themselves and others instead of the subject at hand. They could create new threads, but instead usually they hijack the current thread.

But I think there should be plenty enough discussion about software development processes in addition to plain doing stuff. Processes are essential part of doing work, so there is nothing wrong about talking about processes itself, too. Sure discussions should have their time and place, because also the real work should get done, but that doesn’t mean that all meta is evil.

Recursion alert: (at sentence) “Triple Alert:…”


Got a reply for you:

hmm, ive neverly truely understood what meta means, still dont.

Captcha: Hormones party, reminds me of the teenage years

You start about talking about talking about talking about blogging. and end with spend your time accordinglly. Isn’t this post the mother of meta posts?

Then again, I could always blog about it and get a meta-meta-meta-meta-blog-post. I hope I counted that correctlly. On that note, please updated the post with any pingback so that we may know how much meta there is on this one.

Thats an idea for a new site, instead of digit or other sites for promoting web-content. A site that ranks the meta level of content.

I’ll stop now, have a good day.

Thanks for wasting 5 minutes of my life.

I’d rather write a program that writes programs. That blog…

This reminds me of the discussions of recursiveness in Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter. Music, art, and incompleteness. A great read.


My last blog was about how I had to hack WordPress so I could use Windows Live Writer without disabling a plugin. But I provided some excellent information on how to troubleshoot the problem.

Observation: people do not read comments and so repetitive comments increase and then even lesser people read comments and then more repetitive comments …
Vicious Comment Circle!
Someone’s gotta get a clever “string similarity” bunch of code and apply it to popular blogs like this one and make a friggin Firefox extension so that most of the junk you anyway do not read is kept put of view - like Slashdot - just that you should be able to mod it as
"+5 Duplicate"

I can’t believe nobody mentioned this: Smiths++

Here and I thought it was going to be a post on meta-programming.

Oh NOW I get it… the true “coding horror” has been Jeff all along!

This site has been a blatant parody of true tech writing for quite some time, but enough is enough. There’s not enough time in the day any more to appreciate the single shallow level that these posts cover.

Unsubscribing and never looking back…

Here’s a different take on meta. Remember how Al Swearingen and Wu made elaborate plans using drawings of stick figures? They got stuff done, because their brains had to be constrained to communicating the essential. Here’s a post that develops this concept.

I think I’m about to lose my mind with all the levels of meta being discussed. It’s starting to feel like that scene in Being John Malkovich where John Malkovich gets in the portal to his own brain.