Stay Gold, America

We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm deeply concerned we may lose sight of the American Dream:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

For any questions or ideas contact

I appreciate discussion, but I respectfully ask that you take discussion of this post to your community. :yellow_heart:

For example:
Reddit AMA – I’m giving away half my wealth to make the American Dream possible - ask me anything

Here’s the “behind the music” of how this blog post was written:

Here’s additional background from the University of Virginia college magazine:

If you’d like to obtain stickers featured in this article, see Own a Coding Horror.

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If you are wondering what the second half of the Pledge to Share the American Dream might be, watch me and Alexander Vindman deliver a ~90 minute presentation Thursday, March 20th at the Cooper Union Great Hall in NYC at UTC+00:00:

  • 7pm eastern USA time
  • 6pm central USA time
  • 5pm mountain USA time
  • 4pm pacific USA time

This event will be streamed in real time via the Cooper Union Great Hall YouTube channel.

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