Stupid Command Prompt Tricks

How do I keep a cmd window open? I do lots of cisco commands in the command window and it sucks if I accidentally click it closed. I want a prompt or something to stop me from just clicking a window closed.

The instructions on adding additional true type fonts to the command prompt reference a link no longer contains instructions. Could someone
post the instructions here?

there is a really cool command line tool that came out for vista called power prompt. they released it for XP SP2. you can get it here:

there is another site that talks about the powershell for xp here:


I know I can set peristent window title using “title” command. How can I read the currently displayed title of the window?

I’m a devloper of over 10 years experience, and shamefully I either forgot about the F7 command, really handy when working with Mysql commands when you’ve just changed one and have been pressing the up key repeatedly.

Anyone know of a command that you can enter in command promt to make it fullscreen. (I.E without the use of Alt+Ent or shortcuts or other software.)

anybody know of a way to save/restore a Title

TITLE Come back soon - I am busy now

ALT key + space bar
then “X”

might be of use

it will maXimize the window, which, while not FULLscreen, is still a bigger screen than the default size.

Anyone know how to set the default path that cmd starts you in? I know with a shortcut you can set the path, but for launching the shell via start, run, cmd how do you set that?

K so I downloaded your little script thingy for the right click, reset the window settings and then went to right click on the body, and got a bunch of errors pumped out.

Now my computer is incapable of opening any .exe file with the mouse, I have to open everything through the task manager.

Yes! I love this.


Hey, my shutdown command isn’t working. It says that “shutdown.exe is not a valid Win32 application.” and it is really starting to bug me that i can’t shutdown through the command prompt. if anyone can help me out, email me at thanks


I’d like to know the answer to Ken’s question above!!
How do you set the default path that cmd starts in?

To change default path where cmd starts add/edit REG_SZ Autorun in
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor replacing the Value Data with a folder or directory preceded by a CD.

Have Fun

I find that use can just type “title” space “the name you want”. It’ll change the title.

i was just wondering if any of you know how to change an administrator’s password with the command prompt

in order to change the administraters password you have to type in this command.

net user

then either

net user administrator ( if ur on an administrator’s account)


net user owner ( the one you use if ur on a non admin. account)

now type in

net user admin,/owner which ever you are on

with a * after it

so it looks like this:

net user owner *

then u just type in the password twice and bam…deletes it and changes it to the one u want.


Go to notepad. Type in:
@echo off
start “command.exe”

and save it as " cmd.exe.bat" Now run :stuck_out_tongue:

That seems kinda convoluted… when I want to change a password in DOS I just type:

net user username password

…and it sets it.

Anyone ever notice if you set an autorun to cd\whatever so it starts in the folder you want, it does it even for FOR loop processing? That’s kind of annoying. I.E. if I have an autorun that is cd c:\windows then I jump to DOS and I’m in C:\WINDOWS then go back to root if I do for /f %s in (‘dir /ad /b’) do echo %s instead of getting the C:\ subfolders I get the C:\WINDOWS subfolders.

I dunno if there is any way around that, but it’s annoying nonetheless.

not bad. still not quite there with a bash prompt, but getting better. tab completion seems a bit sucky (it guess wildly at the first thing it sees, and doesn’t seem to work across drives for me) but this is a help.

might have a look at that 4nt thing.

To keep the title, Type the whole command in a text editor, then save as… and click ‘all types’ in the file type dropdown, leave the encoding and type ‘Command Prompt with Title.bat’ or .cmd or any name before .bat/.cmd. Then you just run that each time and it will run the script.

You can do this with any script, say you wanted to renew your IP frequently, you’d type the following:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew

and save the file as all types as ‘Renew IP Address.bat’

Run it and it will do it all and exit as if it was a program (a cheesy one).