Stupid Command Prompt Tricks

You can access command prompt even if your edministrator has blocked it. access it thrrough notepad by running notepad, then typing ‘’. Save the file as ‘command.bat’ . Go to where you saved this file and open it. It should run command prompt. If you administrator has blocked notepad, go onto any website and rightclick the backdrop to the website (not a link or anything) and select something that should say something like ‘view source text’ this will run notepad. Hope this helps some people!!!

Somehow, someway, my XP command prompt will not allow any of the “up-arrow”/“down-arrow” functions. I am not sure how to turn these on, as I have tried all of the different settings, including Quick Edit=ON, but nothing has worked.

Any suggestions???

You are truely god among me right now Mr. Jeff Atwood.

Working with Mysql will not be such a pain in my butt. Thank you, so very much.


Hi guys, I was just doing this for a relatively new XP machine. At work on my w2k machine I somehow was able to add two "command prompt here"s (well, it’s just an entry on the Directory/Folder class) with different settings. I tried a few things but couldn’t figure it out and so I came in to work this morning and checked how I did it. Here’s how you do it. Change the shell command for your Directory/Folder class (at home Command Prompt Here has registered it on Directory, at work it’s on Folder, go figure):

cmd /c start “Command Prompt (large)” cmd /k cd “%1”

This may or may not instantaneously open an initial command prompt. If it does, it happens so fast I cannot tell. I also tried the /b flag on cmd as I recall vaguely that that option prevents spawning a new window (although I have no idea whether that implies not spawning an initial window). In any case I can’t tell the difference. You can add as many of these as you like with different titles and then “Apply properties to windows with same title” to have distinct, persistent, settings.

Good Stuff.

To add to PERSISTENT TITLE thread. Here is a trick that I use.

Execute the bat script (below). When the shells open for the first time, resize, position, change colors etc for each window. Uncheck ‘let system position window’ (in properties - layout) and ‘save settings for windows with same name’.

Now, when script is executed again, all the consoles pop in the right place in different directories, colored, titled, and with custom prompts!

start “Server” nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/D[c:…] cmd /k "prompt $_Server$g"
start “Source” nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;/D[c:…] cmd /k "prompt $_Source$g"
start “Unit Test” /D[c:…] cmd /k "prompt $_Unit Test$g"

Now, what I really want is systax highlighting in the native windoze cmd shell. Anyone got a lead on that?

With regard to setting the shell window title after already launching the shell: yes, this can be done, but if your intent is to load all the shell configuration (color, size, font, etc., when prompted to save changes to “All windows with this title”), I believe the title needs to be set before the shell is actually launched. Just doing something something like ‘title “my title”’ will surely set the title, but won’t automagically load all the console settings associated with that title. Maybe this can be done with the comspec var, but that would have to be set in the invoking shell (I presume), so I’m not sure how that would happen.


Wow, that Console program from SourceForge kicks ass. No more screwing around with registry settings. Thanks!

The link to appears to be dead.

This site has various methods of achieving this functionality:

What I’d like to know is, where are all these CMD settings saved?

Click the QuickEdit checkbox, OK, choose ‘Apply to all future windows’ etc. and it all works…but where does this settings change get stored?!