The First Rule of Programming: It's Always Your Fault

You know the feeling. It's happened to all of us at some point: you've pored over the code a dozen times and still can't find a problem with it. But there's some bug or error you can't seem to get rid of. There just has to be something wrong with the machine you're coding on, with the operating system you're running under, with the tools and libraries you're using. There just has to be!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original blog entry at:
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So what do you do when you are alone?

Youā€™ve tossed and turned at night, days have gone byā€¦ And you are burnt out.

this is great reminder, but with the now programming culture most of us working with beta stuff sometime alpha and not released bits so depending on the current programming culture the percentage you stated from Code Complete is lower - you should take in account what lib and tools developers are working with today.

Interesting enough, the exact opposite happened to me. I was building an application using Java 1.6.0 Update 3, and I kept having odd behavior with the JComboBoxes for the GUI (you could only select the first item on the list after selecting a later item, which causes problems when you only have one item in the list!). Needless to say, it was very odd behavior.

Being a new developer, I made the assumption it had to be in my code (it was my first application using Javaā€™s Swing package). After trying every card in the book, I ran it in Java 5, and it worked perfect! There was a bug in Java 6 with the GUI.

Anyway, my number one rule in programming: Never Assume Anything!

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Which leads to my favorite thing to say to the QA people: ā€œwell, it works on my machineā€¦ā€

Nice post Jeff - brought a smile to my face.

btw, keep us posted on what youā€™re up to professionally these days too!

I agree with the advice in general given in this blog post and thatā€™s what I would advise most other programmers too.

But there have been more than a few cases within the past few years where I blamed myself and my code (I would have been tearing out my hear if I actually grew it long enough to tear at), only to find out after isolating the case that the bugs within some framework or OS bug. Iā€™ve even had an instance in my previous job where some networking code was broken because of buggy firmware implementation on the hardware layer. And everytime its been some bug somewhere in the deeper layers, it took hours of painful work to find out about it and isolate it.

So although I do generally blame my own code before blaming anyone elseā€™s when it comes to tracing bugs, I have learned to keep my eyes wide open for the possibility that it may not be my fault.

I have to agree with Robert above, Never Assume Anything!


s/hear/hair in my post above BTW. Insufficient caffiene intake.

I donā€™t think Jeff was claiming that everything but your code is 100% error free. Of course there are errors in other things; they are, after all, someone elseā€™s code.

The point is that you donā€™t go bothering the people who made the other things telling them there are bugs until you have done your best to rule out your own code. Itā€™s so tempting to think everything you have done is right and that the problem MUST lie with another component, to then stir up a big fuss, only to later realise that the bug was indeed in your own code and have to go around apologising. Iā€™ve done it. Quite recently, in fact. :slight_smile: Weā€™ve all done it, I imagine. Itā€™s an ever-tempting course of action, so itā€™s really important to keep the underlying message here in mind: ā€œItā€™s always your fault.ā€ That is hyperbole, of course; it isnā€™t really always your fault, but you have to think it is your fault until you have proven otherwise.

If you think thereā€™s a bug in something else then the best thing you can do is strip away as much of your own code as possible and produce an extremely simple bit of code which reproduces the bug. Then itā€™s easy to prove where the fault is.

All too often the problem is that the bug is our own fault and is due to our misunderstanding of how a component works. In those cases itā€™s easy to see why we assume the bug is somewhere else: We look through our code over and over and everything looks perfect, but only because we have an incorrect view of how it should be.

I often find myself staring at the code, often to find no problems, Iā€™ll pass it to another programmer, heā€™ll find no problems. 3 days later ill still be banging my head.

Iā€™ve never read anything more true than this! Iā€™ve got a friend (co-worker) who always seeks the reason for failure in the 3rd party even if its PHP itself.
Thatā€™s why our boss says about us:
He is a fighter-coder because he always FIGHTS with the code.
Iā€™m the programmer because I make things work, no matter if the failure was my fault of someoneā€™s else.

Anyway. Great post. Thanks

Just the other day a programmer where I work was faced with a process that was dying with a SIGABRT. He looked at the stack trace and found the signal was being generated on a line that contained an assert(). Somehow he managed to convince himself that the compiler was generating the wrong code and getting the assertion test backwards!!! I arrived at the office that morning and found in my inbox a mail from late the night before with a detailed disassembly of the code in question, along with references to the Intel IA-32 specification showing the compilerā€™s error.

I opened the code, and put a ā€˜printā€™ statement in right before the assert(). What do you know, the value being asserted was 0.

Greatā€¦ itā€™s my fault again. :slight_smile:

Walking away from the specific bug and getting a good nightā€™s rest is crucial to problem solvingā€¦ as Iā€™m sure you know. Staring at the problem causes me to go bug-eyedā€¦ refreshing the brain does wonders.


This is usually but not always true.

When, watching your code run in the development environment, you see the system tell you that boolean literal True has a value of False, you really are seeing a bug in the tools, and itā€™s time to restart the machine, because something has gone deeply wrong in a core library somewhere, and just restarting the environment wonā€™t suffice.

Ask me how I know this.

(Now, the other 999 out of 1000 times, the bugā€™s my fault.

But not this one.)

In almost 30 years of software development, the number of bugs Iā€™ve found attributable to compiler/tool bugs is probably something like five. So Iā€™ve learned this lesson.

But thatā€™s not to say weird things donā€™t happen. Many years ago, I was debugging a complex computation in a Lisp program and just going nuts, the behavior made absolutely no sense. Then, in frustration, I typed ā€œ2.0 + 2.0ā€ to the command promptā€¦and got back something like ā€œ256002.0ā€ as an answer. The systemā€™s floating point extension card had failed in a way that returned wrong answers without raising exceptions.


Your blog is always well written and most of the lessons you teach I also experienced before.

A good developer must always be humble! A good developer accepts that he makes mistakes - and learns from them.


Has anyone run into a situation when yuo have this in PHP:

try {
throw new Exception(ā€˜fooā€™, -1);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo ā€˜caught!ā€™; exit;

YOU RUN IT, AND IT DOESNā€™T CATCH THE EXCEPTION! Instead, the spl_autoload handler I registered catches it and prints out your ā€œfooā€ extension.

Clearly it had something to do with how the language was being executed. So I changed the OPCODE CACHE to something else (XCache nistaed of eAccellerator) and it worked.

But now the question ā€“ WHY is this happening? Am I just going to have to tell people who use my stuiff to NOT use eAccelerator? There must be something in my code taht I did that creates this bug in eAccelerator. But what?

The worst kinds of bugs are the ones you canā€™t track downā€¦

My colleague spent something like two days on a problem that he was convinced was his fault, because he thought .net that was so tested and quality assured possibly couldnā€™t contain a defect. Meself had a more experience on the gui parts of .net and kindly insisted that there may be an error. And after posting on the MSDN forum we found out that, yes, there was a bug.
I agree totally, take responsibility and assume itā€™s your fault. But donā€™t be stupid. GDI/GDI+ for example contains a whole lot of funny things.

Hi Jeff,

I totally agree! It is such a common situation that you describe in the first lines of your post: totally frustrated with a stupid bug that must be in a few lines of code youā€™ve been looking at for a long time (which might not even be your code in the first place). Then if you do admit that the fault is in the code itself (and not the programming language, library, OSā€¦), then there still a danger of choosing the wrong solution. Say you made some changes that did the trick, but you donā€™t know why or how those changes solved the issue. But you donā€™t care; you solved it, commit the fix and go on with more interesting work. Obviously this will make things worse instead of better; for the solution too code ownership is code responsibility.

I have a full post on this topic on my own blog:

Btw, the pragmatic programmer is one of my favorites. A must read for every programmer that wants to improve himself.

Very good post thank you.

But I donā€™t think being an humble developer should be a goal for any of us. Being humble is indeed good - but it is not a professional goal of mine.

My rule of thumb when dealing with bugs is: ā€œif you blame a component, or anything that you have not written yourself then you have to prove itā€. Always try to reduce the problem or the bug to minimal example where you can isolate the problem from the rest of your application. If you canā€™t isolate the bug, then there is always the assumption that the bug is in your code.