I sometimes go by the handle "Wumpus" online. It's part of my personal brand, just like Coding Horror is. Why?
This is a companion discussion topic for the original blog entry at: http://blog.codinghorror.com/the-history-of-wumpus
I sometimes go by the handle "Wumpus" online. It's part of my personal brand, just like Coding Horror is. Why?
Hey, nice website. I stumbled here because I am doing some research on Wumpus. Since your site is called “Coding Horror”, I expected that you’d find one or two words about the truly atrocious coding style of Gregory Yob, e.g. his love for spaghetti GOTO jumps and his bad habit of jumping out of FOR-NEXT loops without ever closing them. I did a Python version of his game and the original source code was nearly unreadable…