Visual Studio .NET 2003 and 2005 Keyboard Shortcuts

Use Ctrl + numpad * to ‘pop’ a goto definition location jump (i.e. takes you back to where you were when you did a ‘goto definition’ (F12)

is there any keyboard short cut to select multiple lines?

Lancer asked this question a long time ago, and i have the answer.

thanks for the complete list of keyboard shortcuts!
COOL!! :))

In Visual, Microsoft seems to have taken away the ability to map the NUM keys to commands, which I have previously used extensively while debugging. I was forced to map all my commands, for example, to use ALT+NUM+ instead of simply NUM+. This is very annoying since I must now hold down the ALT key continuously while debugging.

Does anyone know how to get access to the NUM keys for assignment?

specified your codes.
make it applicable.

If you want to be listing of visual studio 2008 Keyboard Shortcuts than go through this URL


Many thanks for this informations

I like the CTRL+M, CTRL+M. I use regions extensively. This opens and closes the region on the cursor.

I use CTRL+R,CTRL+E a lot, too.