Server Fault: Calling All Lusers

I own the Nemeth book too, but mine is RED.
extra points if you know why!

While there is definite differences between admin’s and dev-types,
there is a great area of overlap (and there should be).

I almost wish stackoverflow and serverfault were combined,
because much can be learned from both specialties.

Couldn’t afford

I’m definitely more of a Dev type. I’m a computer enthusiast (built my own rig from the ground up) and I thought that was a blast, but I’ve never been into the Networking/Server stuff, unless it was to set up a LAN or something to that effect for some friends and I to play games on (Starcraft FTW!)

Not only do I know who is pictured in (b), but I have met and spoken with him, and even have a copy of Microsoft Windows Internals autographed by him …

(Don’t even mention the time I had a phone conversation with Winn Rosch about OS/2 …)

Bob ‘Geeks R Me’ Sherunkel


Congrats on Server Fault, I think it’ll be great!

I feel that your distinction between users paying for their own workstation and questions suitable for server fault isn’t really a great distinction.

It’s making the assumption that users who pay for their own hardware aren’t users who are advanced enough to warrant participating in server fault.

For example, I primarily work on hardware that I own. I have two desktops, and a laptop. However, I’ve known about the nuances of RAID (not Z-raid, that was a great post!) for many years now. I’ve also worked with linux soft-raid multiple times and I’ve thrown together desktops which use LVM and softraid. I also regularly administer things like SELinux, apache, and iptables just for fun.

I realize that you’re trying to avoid a hoard of inexperienced users from asking how to resize their desktop, but please be more wary of wording!


P.S. Mike: is more programming (invalid pointer operations in C) related than server related!

How to we join the Beta? Registration is not obvious?

Oh never mind… you know I really am not a fan of OpenID

If you think you’re the world’s worst UNIX system administrator, you’re wrong. There is a whole bunch of guys who are not even aware of their faults and will act as if they know what they are doing. Those are quite worse, since at least you are aware of your limits, and hopefully not afraid of asking for help and/or advise when you need it.


I own this book and enjoyed reading it. It is a great book.

I loved the joke at the top of the blog page the day you launched:

Good luck with the new site, Jeff!

  • A long time reader

I’m still hoping for the development of some form of code snippet system with GUID’s and maybe a bit more info linking branched versions and so on.

I know not everyone liked this idea saying they always read through and modify pieces of code they take which is true for me, but i think that is beside the point. You get a good base and remove or add features.

Cue the celebrations!! I wonder how difficult this new site is going to be to moderate. I suspect that it is going to attact even more newbies to ask irrelivent questions than Stack Overflow…

oh god… you and hardware seem more like you discovered known things again and again. has it the lousy login thingy`?

@adriango and russinovich is most famous for windows/sysinternals not for administration… The Windows Internal books are more for programmers who really want to know how to hack behind Windows, sys admins have normally no use for it.

I check Mark Russinovich’s blog every couple days, but didn’t know his face.

recaptcha: tamp on

Oh, one piece of required reading for all SysAdmins is the Unix Hater’s Handbook:

Jeff - Have you published an explanation somewhere of why you are disallowing personal workstation questions? How does someone’s home NAS for pirated movies differ from a corporate NAS using the same OS/etc.? Isn’t the issue the quality of the question?

This is perfect! I just managed to land a job at a small business as THE networking guy who does anything and everything related to computers. I’ve been feeling nervous since I’m quite inexperienced and couldn’t find any good community to run questions by.

This sucks, I simply wanted to type “Orange”. Now I’ve lost my train of thought to the CAPTCHA and have no reason to continue with this comment. Have a wonderful weekend.