Spawned a New Process

Congratulations Jeff. I hope all is well. You get a free pass from criticism today. :slight_smile:


Have you read The Happiest Baby on the Block yet? If not get it, and hopefully it will work for you like it did for us. The strategies in there don’t everyone, but are like magic when they do.

Congratulations too.


I hope you will be getting him one of these:

Jeff, what are you doing blogging and taking silly pictures on such a day ??? :slight_smile: Congratulations !

Congratulations Jeff. I’m so happy for you and Betsy. I love his first tweet.

-.-. — -. --. .-. .- - …- .-… .- - … — -. … --…-- .— . …-. …-. — -. - … . -. . .-- .–. .-. — -.-. . … … .-.-.- -.-- — …- .-. -.-. .–. …- .— …- … - --. — - — …- . .-. -.-. .-… — -.-. -.- . -… .- -. -… .-- … .-… .-… -… . .–. . --. --. . -… .- - .----


Yeah, that book’s a real page turner by the looks of it…

Congratulations to you and your wife…


Congrats Jeff!!!

Congrats! Loved the twitter idea.


Lucas mentioned the exceptions and core dumps. Good advice, but you really need to be ready for the buffer overruns and, er, stack overflows he’s going to produce. Keep everything washable, and wash everything often.

Help your wife recover, then get on with enjoying your time together with Henry.

while (this-alive()) { this-copy() }
Congrats :slight_smile:


You bringing the little guy to Mix so we can take him to his first strip club…er…Open Spaces? :wink:


Congrats Jeff!

We’d like to read him soon as well, or maybe now you’ll start quoting him instead of every other person around :wink:



Whatever you do, when the process becomes unresponsive (or just talks back), don’t kill the process. much different results in real life than on a computer. usually locks you up.

Congrats Jeff!

Congrats. :slight_smile:

Congrats :slight_smile: