Spawning a New Process


We also needed the miracle of science and have never regretted it.
My daughters are now 12 and 14 - they are both a delight - I don’t believe the teenagers are hell rubbish.
You are certainly going to find out how little sleep you can manage with - unfortunately it doesn’t help to stock up in advance.




I thought it was very funny when I opened it up and saw the ultrasound.

Congratulations, and good luck surviving the period between thread spawning and .sleep() finally working right :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone’s saying congratulations, so I’ll be the first to say it.

Dude, bad luck. Kids suck.


Congrats btw.

Looks like a very early alpha release to me :wink:

Congratulations, and all the best.

Hearty congratulations Jeff!!
And yeah… your baby sure looks likes you :wink:

And there I was thinking this was going to be an article on the architecture of Google’s Chrome…


Congratulations, Jeff. As you probably know by now, you are not alone amongst the people who try and try for years in the natural way before turning to IVF.

Oh, and remember never to expose his fragile mind to BASIC ( Instead, read aloud from KR every night :slight_smile:

Congratulations :slight_smile:

Just you wait. Speaking from experience i will predict that even with your dual processor setup you will see 100% loads on poth processors for some time. And the I/O issues you will be facing, my god, don’t get me started.


And don’t forget to start the download of Hanselman’s BabySmash! Immediately! :wink:

s/poth/both :slight_smile:


Following your logic, why reproduce at all, when you could just go pick up an orphan?


My wife and I had the same problem about spawning a new process during five very loooong years. That’s why I feel very very happy for you both.

Do you feel that this is a kind of IT professionals problem?


I hope you’ll find my blog (troubleshooting david.exe) useful :slight_smile:


Congratulations Jeff. The world needs more Atwood-type-people. I won’t make any corny process puns (I tried but the good ones are already taken) but best of luck!


Congrats Jeff! Say my hello to the new-atwood.exe :slight_smile: