Spawning a New Process

Congratulations and best wishes!


You’re in for a wild ride. I am new to this as well, with a 1 year old girl who became the center of my life - you are going to learn what worrying really means.



Congratulations Jeff, best of luck. My wife and I are going through IVF at present after a number of years of trying naturally, it’s a tough road and I’m pleased it worked out for you.


What do you base your comments on?

In New Zealand there is a pool of couples waiting on a list to adopt a child. Many of these couples will never get a child through adoption. In my region there where only 2 children placed with adoptive parents last year. Needless to say the waiting pool is significantly larger than 2 couples.

I don’t see IVF as a selfish option.

Hey Now Jeff,
Congrats! Get ready to install baby smash. Wish you the best.

Coding Horror Fan,

Congratulations and best of luck


Best wishes

Many congratulations! Being a new father-of-the-most-beautiful-baby-girl-in-the-world myself, there are no words to describe the delight of seeing your own child grow and develop day after day.

And that’s in spite of getting pooped on, puked on, yelled at and sleep-deprived. Those things become trivialities when the perpetrator is capable of showing absolute, unconditional, infinite DELIGHT at seeing you.

Anyway, good luck to you and your wife :).

Great title Jeff - made me LOL when I saw the title and the scan in my feed reader.

Congratulations - and all the best to you and family. As on commenter already said, get some sleep in now.

Congratulations Jeff, that’s awesome news! May your shared memory be forever free from deadlock.

Good luck with process control!

Yeah that’s right. This is obviously a high-priority process that will chew up a big chunk of your dual core (parents). Hopefully, your scheduling algorithm is well tuned so that codinghorror and stackoverflow don’t become zombie tasks.

Welcome to the wonderful world of time-management.

Eric (also part of a dual core managing our two processes)

Congrats Jeff! My wife and I also had difficulties, but we now have two wonderful sons, one of whom turned nine last Saturday. Holy crap, I’m old.

Anyway, as others have said, catch up on your sleep now while you can…


Why do people insist on having IVF when there are so many orphans who need a loving family?
I’m sure you are very happy, but why force something that doesn’t want to happen when there is a chance to change a life that was never given the love it needed.
IVF is the selfish option

Many congratulations Jeff!


Me and my wife are also going to the first ultrasound examination in two weeks. I can’t wait.


Having a child is like sex… no wait. It is like software, like Stallman said. First time I agree with him since 1990.


I was going to add a crude joke about memory leaks, bugs, processes and other programmers, but let’s only think of wonderful futures for a while!

All the best to all of you!!!

Just do not be surprised if it turns out to be him/her stocking ideas in your mind and not a vice versa :slight_smile:
Sometimes it is hard to say who is really raising whom :slight_smile:

Life Changing - the things that seemed important before no longer are.

Gina Ford, Contented Little Baby book. Get it. Follow it.

When I first read it I thought Military operation, there is now way I’m following that rubbish, but after two months we have a baby that is regular like clock work. And does sleep from 10:30 until 6:45. We didn’t follow it for the first month and he (and we) were all over the place, two months later no complaints.

It also means I can say Sorry, got to go have to bath the baby at 5:45