Stack Overflow: None of Us is as Dumb as All of Us

It’s a place where a busy programmer can invest a few minutes…

Yeah, right! CrackOverflow is my new favorite lurking place on the internet.

Nice article on the launch in infoQ:

Stack Overflow, a web site for programming questionsanswers, has been made public while still in beta. The site offers programmers the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from fellow coders for free, and intends to become the right source of answers for any programming question.

Flickr openid no worky? Do I need to go sign up with another openid provider? I have been banging my head against a wall trying to get this to work.

Besides the immense informational potential, I must admit StackOverflow is FUN. Now instead of lethargic Digg browsing I can peruse questions; some of them I can answer and some of them I never thought to ask but feel smarter after having read them and others’ answers.


What’s uservoice got at this point that stackoverflow doesn’t?

I agree. The belongs on uservoice police belong on the top annoyances of list as well. Ugh.

I was an initial skeptic, but after a few weeks of using the site am a true believer now. The vote system will generally sink the weak and elevate the strong.

Overall, it is a great resource and you and the team have a done a great job.


I think the site works great. I had to create an OpenID. No problem.

Great work Jeff, this ROCKS. The site is so active that the question I asked was way down the list, just after asking.

Hi Jeff,

I like this site really much. Great high quality answers to all sorts of questions. I wanted to register, but then OPENID.

Can’t stand the idea of an ID for the internet. This is the reason I only read the answers without having the chance to participate.

Are you going to implement an alternative Login? Please let us know!


So Jeff, when will you start giving out stackoverlow stickers? :smiley:

I was very excited about this site… until I saw the OpenID login. I can’t use it. I’m not going to sign up to a service I wont use just to log in to your site (I’m sure you understand that). Please please please give us another way to use the site!

Dude, Jeff. Not to be rude or anything, but several of us have spoken on the issue with Yahoo. I’ve posted on uservoice and I’ll tell you here with the rest of these guys who are having problems, I can’t log in with my Yahoo OpenId. I’ve used it for other sites. Heck, I got in on the private beta once, but when I’ve tried from my work machine (actually going to use it for what it was designed for; not test it!) I can’t use my OpenId to authenticate.

Sorry, man. I haven’t tried lately but I get a URI error with the prettiness of .NET’s yellow and white error page.


I wish you’d let us in on why you chose UserVoice as a bug/feature tracker. It’s downright perplexing.

It is starting to bug me. Tickets just disappear (deleted? lost? what???), now editing abilities of old posts, periodic email repeats itself, and it will let you type in a new ticket even if you have no votes left…but then tell you slow down. Grrr…I cannot be bothered to beta there site too :stuck_out_tongue:

Jeff, your Venn’s diagram for 4 sets is incorrect. You can check Venn’s original construction for 4 sets at the Wikipedia’s entry for Venn’s diagrams, as well as Edwards’ re-constructions of the Venn’s diagrams (prettier than Venn’s original ones for more than 3 sets, in my opinion)

I think jon’s comment above hits on the key problem with yahoo openid’s not working on Stack Overflow. I think it’s mostly a usability issue, I’ve posted an answer on the site, and made a comment on the uservoice site (though it has a very short comment size restriction) with some helpful pointers:

Most importantly, the Stack Overflow login control prompts you with the wrong partial identifier for yahoo accounts. However, the example listed below the login control,, is accurate.

Also, when activating openid for your yahoo account yahoo will default to some gibberish identifier, you have to select a more sensible identifier manually.

Nice site there. Though I wish there was some way to organize and create hierarchy to the tags.

I went to, and the very first thing I clicked on was the top article entitled What is a realistic starting salary for a C# programmer? The link went here:, but I got a Page Not Found error.

By the way, the topic I clicked on was only 11 seconds old when I hit the link, so maybe I got tossed to a different server that didn’t know about the content or maybe I ran into some other sync error?

I must admit that trying to use OpenID for the first time - it sucks big time.

I have an account with but don’t have a blog there, I just use it for stats, I host my own wordpress. After logging in at stackoverflow with as openid provider I get redirected to some ugly wordpress page saying You need to sign in to to complete this process… If I go to i see that (as far as they are concerned) I’m logged in. So, OpenID does not help you guys…

Unfortunately it’s impossible for me to log in to Stack Overflow from work, where it would probably be the most use to me. We’re behind a proxy server, which combined with our faily slow Internet connections means that OpenID simply doesn’t work reliably. And of course every time I log in to the site from home I get logged out from work.

Also, I added OpenID support to my own website, but if I log in directly using myOpenID it doesn’t recognise me as the same person. So I have to use the site anonymously from work, which is a PITA.

OpenID is working well as an anti-goof CAPTCHA…[…], you might
not be a great source of information on a tech QA site.

Wonderful. Finally I met a person who I can ask to improve my own inferior solutions (because Stackoverflow is presumably out of bounds). Well, quick:

-How do you compute transcendental functions in arbitrary-length
math with, let’s say, more than 1000 bits precision in binary format ? You know, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan ? Please explain in

-Is there a problem with the power function x^y and if yes, what exactly is/are the problem(s) ?

-You compute exp(x)-1 which is common in physics and engineering. Which problem occurs and how do you solve it if you don’t have an
handy routine (like in IEEE754r) ?

I am convinced that these petty questions are not a problem to a man who obviously belongs to mankinds elite.