On Parenthood

Congrats, Jeff

I felt also exactly the same!

Congratulations! And thanks for a great read.

Congratulations on those twoo soon-to-be-forked processes!

I really enjoyed this post. Thank you very much for putting it down in writing so tenderly!

Atwoods are increasing in number exponentially :slight_smile:

Happy delivery and lots of joyfull years Jeff.

Thank you for this. My firstborn is 10 months old and you described the feeling better than anyone I have come across. Thank you and good luck with your thirty little baby toes.

I’m always reminded of a Dan Simmons quote (from The Song of Kali):

Before Victoria was born, I used to grumble about couples we knew who
had been lobotomized by the birth of their children. Perfectly intelligent people with whom we’d enjoyed countless debates over politics, prose, the death of the theater, or the decline of poetry now burbled at us about their little boy’s first tooth or spent hours sharing the engrossing details of little Heather’s first day at preschool. I swore that I would never fall prey
to that.
But it was different with our child. Victoria’s development was worthy of serious study by anyone. I found myself totally fascinated by earliest noises and most awkward movements. Even the repellant act of changing diapers could be delightful when my child – my child – would wave her pudgy arms and look up at me in what I took to be loving appreciation at the thought of her father, a published poet, carrying out such mundane tasks for her.


My first and only kids are twins – it’s the best thing you’ll ever do. Your sense of humor will see you through.

Congratulations! It’s a blessing to create new life.

Life, that almighty entity which possess every living thing on our planet, is what i blame and thanks for all those feelings injected into me when i became a father. Its strength, as you confess, is incredible. You would shed your own just to make way for the younger, fortunately we seldom have to.

Congratulations on doubling up! I’ve got one and another on the way. I’ll agree with you that its the most sublime, difficult, absolutely frightening, and wonderful thing I’ve ever done. And you’re right about the bus…

Way to go!

I came here reading about programming and end up learning the best equation ever:
1+1 = 5

I don’t know how you make a the coolest programming blog without even talking about it.

Best of luck with those 2 dots on the picture.

Wow, hate to admit it, but I teared up reading this - you’ve captured it perfectly and eloquently.
I’m in a similar boat - my 2.5 yr old girl taught me once, and the boys (16 mo’s) are really drilling the point home :slight_smile:
Good luck.

Really well written - thanks for describing it like that, I am not a parent myself - now I understand why, in Islam, there is a saying that “don’t even say ouch! to your parents” i.e. never insult or complain or hurt their feelings since they are much for vulnerable than anyone else - thanks again for the article Jeff

Congratulations! But to JWR, as a teacher I see some parents worship their children in the early years and then sort of “bail” on their kids around the age of 9 or 10. After years of being catered to, the children suddenly find themselves without a support system as the burned out parent decides they need to grow up NOW. My advice is, rather than doting on them for ten years, make sure you have age appropriate expectations of them that increase with each birthday. Consciously expect more maturity, more creativity, more independence, more responsibility, even basic time management with regards to homework and after school activities. Then when they are 10 you will not be exhausted from over-indulging them and you will have delightful children who are a pleasure to be around instead of spoiled, entitled, immature brats, and they will still be “worth it.”

So Welbog was right and you are a vampire! Oh well.


My husband and I have 22-month-old twin boys and we feel outnumbered! Haha! These are and will be our only two children, and 51% of the time, they make me wish that we had more :slight_smile: Twins are wonderful. Best of luck to you, and congratulations!

Your post brought tears to my eyes, and reminded me again of how amazing my children are. You captured the essence so well of the rollercoaster of feelings. Congratulations and thank you for reminding me how amazing my children are and how they really are the most amazing people I’ve ever met!

That 1% comes from the smile baby gives when he or she see his parents and that is the most precious thing in the world, it make you feel that someone in the world really needs you and your presence give him or her immense pleasure.

Javarevisited Blog

Dude, twins! I’m on the bandwagon too, number 4 (or will it be 4 and 5?!) due in April. Crazy, yes, and your graph is accurate. Great read.

Again … dude … TWINS! :slight_smile:

Congratulations and blessed be.

Contrats! As a father of boy/girl twins 21 months old, here is some more reality.

  1. Get a doula - no matter what the cost, how outrageous you think it it - do it. I lasted 4 weeks and got no sleep, the wife got no sleep. After the 2nd week, even the family is like, “get one now, because we are out-of-here really soon and you can’t do this to her”. You still won’t get any sleep but, at least your wife will.

Say goodbye to 2012, you won’t remember a thing. Nope, pictures will be the only way to tell how you survived. As every parent of twins has said in the last 21 months, “It gets better”.

2.Get a minivan now - will ALL the features. You won’t believe the difference it makes when both of you are holding a twin, pushing 2 shopping carts full of groceries, 2 diaper bags and both kiddos are screaming like banshees and you hit the open side doors and rear hatch on the remote with the hand that has the sippy cub also. You will pay anything for that feature - anything.

  1. Get used to buying 2 of everything. NEVER NEVER buy 1 of anything or your twins will let you know what a horrible idea it was. You will run to the store and get another of whatever it is because sharing is much harder than having 2 of something.

And good luck learning the language of your twins. It is part of that wonderful 1%.